-Caveat Lector-

De-Worshiping Public Education
by Karen De Coster

Hard as it is to believe, the world is still chock-full of professional educators who 
worship the
ideals of a state-sponsored, indoctrinating public school system. This system is 
wrought with
funding boondoggles, and has proven to be an arrant failure overall, damaging millions 
of children
in the process.

Public education is based on the idea that government is the "parent" best equipped to 
children with the values and wisdom required to grow into an intelligent, functional 
adult. To
reiterate what former first lady Hillary Clinton professed, these public school 
champions believe
"it takes a village.."

It doesn't take a village to raise and educate children. It takes a family, a church, 
third parties such as friends and neighbors, or quality private educational 
institutions that
flourish under a capitalistic system and respond to the paying parent-consumers.

As Hebrew University historian Martin van Crevald points out in his book, The Rise and 
Decline of
the State, the archetype for state-directed education was popularized by 
nineteenth-century state
worshippers who wanted to impose a love of big government ideals upon the youth. There 
was also the
move toward secularization, and an overall appetite for "discipline" of the unruly 
independent) masses that buttressed the campaign to take education out of the hands of 
family and

After all, unruly, independently educated masses might resist government's objectives, 
and this kind
of disarray would be unacceptable in the move toward building a powerful, controlling 
apparatus. Prussia's Frederick William I and France's Napoleon discerned this, as did 
a legion of
other despotic rulers throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.

Modern-day education has built on the foundation set forth by these tyrants. What is 
disquieting about the public education mindset is that those who believe most strongly 
in it are
convinced that there are no other noble alternatives, and that the alternatives that 
do exist are
merely a hindrance to the only real education, that which is provided via the public 
domain. The
egalitarian core belief of these educators is that society is responsible for 
maintaining, and paying for the process of equally developing young minds.

Bias Against the Smart and Hardworking
But since the laws of the modern state that control the educational system lean toward 
that means a bias against the smart and hardworking. This takes education to the level 
of heavy
egalitarian leanings, sustaining the philosophy that schools have the obligation to 
treat all
students as pure equals - equal in intelligence, work ethic, performance, and desire. 
Such nonsense
is refuted by H. George Resch in "Human Variety and Individuality" on the Separation 
of School and
State website.

Mr. Resch contends that compulsory, government-controlled education is trying to 
achieve ends that
are not possible due to the fact that general equality is not only impossible to 
define, but that
biological, environmental, and cultural differences among us are so vast that a 
standardized public education poses difficulties that cannot be overcome, and 
certainly not by a
public school system.

It's obvious that public schooling is neither beneficial to most students, nor is it 
Education is an acquired good, a good that has to meet the needs of the consumers, or 
else face
rejection in the free market. Hence, the necessity for individually-tailored private 
institutions that cater to the urgencies of the marketplace, or home schools that 
provide a quality
environment for each student's direct needs.

In school districts throughout the land, public school teachers and administrators, 
along with
closely allied PTA's, battle a threatening voucher system - extolled by conservatives 
as the "great
solution" to education. The voucher system, to the public school proponent, means the 
scenario of competition - a little bit of the free market invading their 
government-protected world
of free-form indoctrination.

Vouchers may - according to these public educators - open up the possibility that 
parents would seek
higher standards in the public school curriculum, educational materials, and 
qualities, or else these parents could easily cash in on their vouchers and move on to 
alternative institution that is more likely to listen to their wishes, and modify its 
teaching program accordingly. This means that all those educators using "Heather has 
Two Mommies" to
brainwash children on the "virtues" of homosexuality might have to trade in such 
liberal balderdash
for truly educational literature. How ridiculous that the education system should dare 
have to fall
into the snare of having to concede to the free market!

The voucher threat may also pressure schools to drop their ineffectual, 
equality-minded goals in
favor of programs that would champion the forgotten merit of competition, and focus 
more intensely
on those students who are destined for achievement above and beyond the norm.

Vouchers Are Anti-Free Market
Of course, one should stand strongly opposed to any flagitious voucher system, though 
for reasons
opposite of those propounded by the pro-public schooling hawks. Vouchers are anti-free 
market in
general, and are just another way for government to control young minds, and a way to 
further dig
itself more deeply into the mostly unregulated sphere of private education. Vouchers 
allow for no
freedom whatsoever from the clutches of the state-mandated regulatory circus. However, 
there is
certain joy in seeing public school proponents backed into a corner with their claws 
out and having
to do battle with something moderately competitive.

Then, of course, there is the greatest threat of all, which comes from the home 
schooling crowd.
Public educators shrivel at the mere mention of home-schooled students out-performing 
their public
school peers.

For example, the National Education Association has recently attacked the legitimacy 
of home
schooling in spite of home-schoolers' recent successes in terms of placing students 
first, second,
and third in a national spelling bee, and claiming the overall winner in a national 
geography bee. A
huge success for home schooling, and private education in general, these 
accomplishments raised the
ire of those who insist on the public education way.

Just recently, a spokesperson for the NEA stated that public schooling is far superior 
to all forms
of private education - because of its advanced academic opportunities and convenience 
socialization. This statement ignores the fact that the home schooling environment has 
voluntary communal learning environments that allows for direct community involvement 
for the
students, and draws upon the expertise of numerous individuals to obtain the greatest 
excellence in
resource use for teaching.

Let me state that the public education field is not composed entirely of incompetents 
ne'er-do-wells. There are a lot of ethical, hard-working and concerned people in the 
public school
systems that desire to do their best to bring sense and order to an unworkable system. 
The bigger
problem remains this: the system was built on authoritarian intentions, the premises 
for why we need
public education are incorrect, and maintaining funding for such a monstrous system 
impossible in the long run without plundering an entire population to support it.

Simple common sense dictates that my paying $1,200 in annual school taxes with no 
children in the
local public school system, while a neighbor with four children taking advantage of 
the free
schooling in our district pays the same $1,200 in school taxes, is indeed a theft of 

This constant depredation of an entire community to pay for the education of the 
children of some of
the members of that community violates the core philosophy of self-sustaining, 
voluntary market
coordination. This is truly a form of legalized gangstering, where every 
property-owning taxpayer is
robbed via legal government mandate to help support the goals of the state in 
maintaining a vicious
system of educational welfare for my richer, as well as poorer neighbors.

It's high time that the public resist the inherent dangers of continuing on a path 
toward a more
socialized, bureaucratic, and just plain immoral taxpayer-funded public school system. 
It's time
that taxpayers reject the public education nipple and look toward the same market they 
covet for
their goods and services - the free market.
Karen De Coster, a CPA and freelance writer, is an MA student in economics at Walsh 
College in
Michigan. She can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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