-Caveat Lector-

[I found this excerpt insightful.  --MS]


When she finally left Marc, in 1991, one of the first new songs
she wrote, "Free..."


When Rich moved back to the city permanently in the mid-nineties,
she found herself a social outcast. But several shrewd moves and
an endless flow of cash ensured that she wouldn't remain one for
long. She hired, in quick succession, a publicist, cranky legend
Bobby Zarem, who made sure she appeared in all the right columns,
and an "imagist" (he prefers to be called "family friend"), Brad
Boles, who says he helps "realize Denise's vision for parties and
events" and helps pick out her clothes.

On off nights, Rich would make the scene with her posse, which
consisted largely of black music associates and gay retainers.
Even Zarem has been heard to grumble, "They drag her out to all
these ditzy, drecky things at these stupid clubs, and here I am
trying to maintain a prestigious image. I don't think much of any
of them, but then, I'm not a hairdresser." Under Zarem's
tutelage, Denise also set out to prove herself in a slightly
loftier realm: politics. She wrote her first check to Bill
Clinton during the Gennifer Flowers, draft-dodging days of his
beleaguered campaign. Denise, after all, knew a thing or two
about scandal, and says she felt an affinity with the charming
candidate. "He is a beautiful person," says Denise. "We're all
human, you know?"

Covering all bases, she has also generously supported Rudy
Giuliani, the very man who chased her husband out of the country.
"I came back here, and people thought I'd hang my head in shame,"
says Denise. "Why? I'm proud to be an American."

Even "during the darkest moments," the Clintons could count on
Denise Rich, says Steve Grossman of the DNC. "She made it very
clear she would do anything to help. And I don't just mean she
writes checks. Lots of people write checks. But there are few who
have, well, a sense of wonderment about it."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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