Can be Easily Heard Around the World on Shortwave Radio. Has Space War Begun?

-BJNews by Marshall Smith       As of this morning, Saturday Feb 17, 2001,
HAARP began doing testing with greatly increased FULL power. The transmitter
can now be heard all day long on 3.39 MHz. Very early this morning about 3
AM, HAARP could be heard at it's "old" normal signal strength. About 4 AM the
signal changed in both its pulse timing and inter-pulse spacing. At 4:30 AM
the signal strength suddenly increased tremendously.       Unlike previous
mornings, there was no regular F-layer daytime fade out when the sun rose
here in California about 6:45 AM. I continued to monitor during the daylight.
I have never heard the HAARP signal during the daytime before. The sun now
rises in Gakona Alaska about 10 AM PST. The received signal again increased
from about S5 to S9 at 10:05 AM. With sunlight at both the transmitter and
receiver there is no F-layer skip to bend the powerful signal around the
planet. This means this is an extremely powerful direct groundwave signal.
And I'm only receiving the leakage off the side lobes of the antenna array.
      The full HAARP design power is supposed to be about 350 Megawatts. But
that is only the published spec, not necessarily what is done in practice (as
in those CB'rs running illegal 1KWatt linear amplifiers). There is a planned
Air Force "Star Wars" test with two vehicles, one from California and the
other in the south Pacific, similar to last summer's failed test. The
tentative published launch is set for late March or April. I will monitor
HAARP to confirm it is running full power during the launch, as it was last
summer.       Last summer's "failure" is exactly what a HAARP device is
supposed to do; destroy the electronic controls of a vehicle so the second
stage cannot separate from the booster. A very cheap, simple way to knock
down missiles launched from anywhere on the planet. It also can destroy
military satellites in low orbit. Maybe that's why the Russians and Chinese
have been complaining in the last several weeks about Bush's intention to
"build" the star wars system. Maybe they've been losing some of their "secret
hardware." But of course, they won't say that in public.       Its now 11 AM
PST, on Saturday the 17th, and the signal is blasting in with the powerful
pre-pulse tone around S+20 and the main signal about S9. The signal varies 3
to 6 db over a series of several pulses. Since this is not due to F-layer
skip fading, I must assume they are slewing the beam of the antenna in
various directions, and thus changing the amount of the side lobes in this
direction. This must be a test of a simulated space warfare game with
multiple targets. Rapid slewing of the antenna in just a matter of a minute
or two is not useful for submarine communication, nor for their stated
purpose of doing "ionospheric research."       To show the HAARP signal is
abnormally large, at this time, the 80 meter band is silent and WWV at 5 MHz
cannot be heard, as would be expected during the daytime. WWV at 10 MHz is
barely heard but does not even register on the S meter. Tuning back to 3.39
MHz, the S meter jumps off the top of the scale. Even the extremely powerful
Russian “woodpecker” transmitters during the cold-war never did that, and
they were aimed along the ground not out into space. I have no way to
estimate how many Gigawatts that represents.       It may be only coincidence
but just several days ago, Russia announced it will be conducting a massive
space war game, including the launch of numerous missiles, from both ground
sites and submarines. Of course this is only a coincidence. You Think. Check
out the details in Bill Gertz's article
Russian forces conduct massive
war-games exercise
. And then don't forget you read it first in BroJon
Gazette.       For more information about HAARP, how the transmitter works
and to hear what the transmitter sounds like, go back to the front page
article about the HAARP facility and follow the links there.


      I should point out in 1983 a number of Air Force ER-135 electronic
warfare planes were shot down in the Sea of Japan. They were apparently
making a covert entry into soviet airspace to test the latest Russian
technology. What the Air Force did not know then was the Soviets had
developed a stealth fighter so the 135's never saw the Russians coming and
all 5 of the US e-warfare planes were shot down. To cover this "covert"
event, the US shot down a 747, a plane similar to the 135's (or modified
Boeing 707's whose parts are very similar to a 747) so if plane parts are
found in the Sea of Japan they are claimed to be the 747. The 747 may, in
fact, have played a part in the covert event. This is the supposed "Russian"
shoot down of Korean Airlines Flight 007, on Sept 1, 1983. I remember the
event well, since it is my son's b-day.       The proof of a covert event
with stealth Russian fighters shooting down 5 Air Force ER-135's is
documented in R.W. Johnson's book, SHOOTDOWN, published in 1986. The most
convincing evidence is the strange fact that 27 US active duty electronic
warfare officers somehow end up on the passenger list among the dead on the
civilian KAL Flight 007 going to Korea. I only point this out to show how
high tech secret warfare between Russia and the US may result in deaths and
the destruction of hardware, and yet is never reported to the public.      
The US did not announce and demonstrate deployment of its own stealth
fighters until the Gulf War in '90-91, seven years later. In 1991, three
events occurred, (1) the US demonstrates stealth fighter-bombers which can
travel anywhere in the world without detection, (2) the announcement of the
construction of HAARP which would neutralize all soviet missiles coming over
the pole, and (3) the collapse of the Soviet Union. To see these as unrelated
events is to miss the point of history.       At the present time, both the
Russian's and Chinese have demonstrated their ability and inclination to
engage in warfare, especially space warfare. It would thus seem clear the
"coincidence" of the massive Russian war games and the sudden increase in the
output of HAARP in a warfare mode, would indicate that on this Presidents Day
Weekend 2001, warfare is actually occurring, not just games. Just as in 1985,
when planes were destroyed and US airmen died, the story was completely
covered up, but it nonetheless had great implications on the relations
between the governments of the world.       There are, of course, no airmen
on the Russian missiles, nor the Chinese and Russian satellites in orbit.
This is the new hi-tech robotic remote control warfare of outer space. But,
the "war games" are real, nonetheless. The massive increase in the output of
HAARP, under the control of the Air Force's Space Vehicles Command which
operates HAARP and has the mission of engaging in space warfare, would
indicate a lot of expensive space hardware is now biting the dust. The
Russians will claim their exercise was a "success." The Chinese who have just
lost their "eyes in orbit” will say nothing. And the US will claim, as usual,
"What, who me? HAARP hasn't been in operation since October '99." But you can
listen for yourself on any shortwave receiver by tuning to 3.390 MHz. Good

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