-Caveat Lector-


Bill's Dirty Work: Follow the Consigliere

There's that name again. Every time a pardon controversy erupts,
somewhere in the story is a man named Bruce Lindsey.

Think of the Clinton operation as the Corleone family. Bruce
Lindsey is Tom Hagen, the godfather's consigliere, the keeper of
the secrets, the brilliant lawyer Marlon Brando and Al Pacino
depended on to, er, dispose of the most sensitive matters.

In real life, Lindsey was the conduit when Jack Quinn, the former
White House counsel, wanted Bill Clinton to pardon Marc Rich. Now
we've learned that Hillary Clinton's brother Hugh Rodham
represented two other undeserving felons whose pardon and
commutation petitions were granted by Clinton. And it turns out
that Lindsey was in the thick of things again.

Who is he?

Bruce Lindsey is an Arkansas lawyer who was Hillary's Little Rock
law partner, the single most valued friend transplanted to
Washington when the Clintons captured the White House.

Many thought Lindsey would be named White House counsel. But Bill
and Hil were too smart for that. They wanted Bruce to function
below the radar and avoid the press. So Lindsey was made a deputy

"That fooled no one," says a former Clinton lawyer. "Bruce was
the go-to guy, the person you went to ‹ and the person the
President and First Lady went to ‹ when the tough stuff needed
doing with a minimum of fingerprints."

Once a long time ago ‹ before Clinton became President ‹ I was
speaking with him and Webster Hubbell, another now-infamous
Clinton crony. Lindsey came into the room and Hubbell and I left.
I knew why I was banished, but I wondered why Webb was. "There
are things just the two of them talk about it," Hubbell explained
with a shrug.

Thanks to the Los Angeles Times, we now know a lot about
Lindsey's contacts with Hugh Rodham.

"Basically what happened is that Hugh did contact us and did
indicate an interest" [in the pardons], Lindsey told the Times in
an interview published yesterday. "We were aware he was
interested in it. But nobody in the White House counsel's office
knew whether it was for a client or the basis for it."

Stop a second and note the "us" and "we." You could fairly
conclude that Lindsey was referring to the White House counsel's
office ‹ but as another former Clinton aide says, "You can also
read that as implying that the Clintons were in the loop all
along. We all knew that when Bruce said something we should pay
attention because he was speaking for the President ‹ which made
sense because Bruce was always speaking to the President.
Everyone inside the White House had that view."

And plenty of savvy folks outside, too.

Elsewhere in the Times story, Lindsey elaborates on his contacts
with Rodham. "I didn't have any impression one way or the other"
about Rodham's motives. "... We [got] calls all the time. If you
had a friend or knew someone who had a pardon application, you
would call me up."

Sounds like an advertisement to me.

We may never know the full extent of Bill and Hillary's
involvement in the pardon work for which Hugh Rodham was paid
about $400,000 ‹ except that Hillary tried yesterday to shift all
the blame to her husband.

But we do know that as with the Rich pardon, everything about
Rodham's efforts stinks.

The details are different, but the basics of the latest tale
follow a familiar plot line:

1. A bad guy wants to become a good guy so he casts about for a
lawyer with connections.

2. The Justice Department's time-tested pardon process is
bypassed because the President doesn't want a pesky bureaucrat
lecturing him about the merits.

3. Value's received for work done ‹ and the Clintons swear up and
down that everything was on the up-and-up. Parsing their
statements would task a Talmudic scholar's abilities, but as
usual the old dodges surface, more questions are raised than
answered and we're left with the old Watergate inquiry: What did
they know and when did they know it?

Bill Clinton twice dishonored his presidency and forever
tarnished his reputation: once when he lied about Monica and
then, in his final days, when he issued a series of indefensible
pardons ‹ as Jimmy Carter said on Wednesday.

Those who've been President have a code. They rarely criticize
other Presidents ‹ and then usually only when they disagree about
a matter of policy.

So when a fellow Democrat of impeccable integrity like Jimmy
Carter says Bill Clinton's behavior is "disgraceful," it's time
to start thinking about a constitutional amendment allowing us to
impeach ex-Presidents.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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