-Caveat Lector-


Saturday, February 24 8:37 PM SGT

Arafat says he will call on US to ensure Israel honors
peace agreements

AMMAN, Feb 24 (AFP) -

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat said he will call for
the United States to ensure the enforcement
of peace deals reached between Israel and the Palestinians
when he holds his first meeting with
US Secretary of State Colin Powell on Sunday.

"We expect the US administration, which is the principal
sponsor of the peace process, will
ensure what was agreed to between us and the Israelis
Sharm el-Sheikh, in Taba or
elsewhere," Arafat said Saturday after meeting for an
with Jordanian Prime Minister Ali Abu

"The essential thing is to implement all the agreements
that have been concluded in the
presence and with the signature" of the Americans, Arafat
said, without being more specific.

Sharm el-Sheikh and Taba are Egyptian Red Sea resorts where
the two sides have held talks,
both before and since the outbreak of the latest Palestinian
uprising last September.

At Sharm el-Sheikh in October, there was a verbal agreement
to bring about a cease fire in the
now five-month-old Palestinian uprising, then only a few
weeks old. To date, the agreement,
which called for a withdrawal of Israeli troops from around
Palestinian towns, has not been

Likewise, talks at Taba in January were a last-ditch effort
by the caretaker goverment of Ehud
Barak, a week before Barak lost to Ariel Sharon in an
election for prime minister, to reach a final
peace deal with the Palestinians.

In 1999, Israel agreed in Sharm el-Sheikh to three successive
withdrawals from Palestinian
territory. One is still to be implemented.

Earlier, in Taba, the two sides hammered out some of the
details in their relationship until such
time as a final settlement could be reached, which
was targeted for 1999.

Arafat's government has been devastated by Israel's
punishing blockade of the Palestinian
territories and by the Jewish's state refusal to
unfreeze more than 40 million dollars in tax
revenues to Arafat.

Arafat said he recommended enforcement of agreements
signed with Israel via meetings of the
two sides in the presence of the US, European Union
and UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

He said US President George W. Bush decribed to him
Powell's visit to the region as simply a
listening tour to familiarise himself with the facts
on the ground, including on the
Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Arafat also condemned the Israelis shelling Friday of
the Palestinian Authority's offices in the
West Bank, including those of Mahmud Abbas, the
secretary general of the Palestine Liberation

"It is not the first time. Unfortunately, all of our
locations have been made the target of
continued bombing," Arafat said.

Arafat also called for Arab countries to adopt a united
front in preparation for the next summit
of Arab leaders to be held March 27 in the Jordanian capital.

"The most important thing is to adopt a firm and
united Arab position that will be developed
during the Arab summit to be held in Amman" on
March 27, Arafat said.

Powell arrived Saturday morning in Cairo on his
first trip as Washington's top diplomat and will
hold talks Sunday in Gaza City with Arafat.

Arafat came to Amman after visiting Athens Friday,
where he urged Greek leaders to work "for
peace to return to the Middle East."

He left Amman by helicopter for Ramallah in the West Bank.

There are TWO main reasons for the continuing misery of the
Palestinian people in the Mid-East.

1 - The existence of the Jewish State of Israel.
2 - The history of choosing the dumbest, vilest, most corrupt
    leadership in a region known for vile and corrupt leaders.

Since there is nothing that they can really do about Israel,
it then behooves them to deal with their own elites.

Palestinian leaders made bad choices in 1948 for their people
when they thought they could ' drive the Jews into the sea '
and refused the UN partition. Big mistake #1. Then it was 50
years of bad choices culminating in the acceptance of Arafat
as the supreme Palestinian leader.

Arafat's political decision to extract concessions from the
Israelis by starting the Aqsa Intifada, was a stupid shortsighted
decision which brought Arik Sharon to power. The concessions that
Israel made were evidently not good enough. Well then... what do
his people have going for them now? Bupkes! Nothing.

Now that they lost everything ( such as it was,) due to their
great leader's judgment, they are begging for the old peace deal
to be reinstated. What has this cost? Everything. The Israeli
"peace" crowd had to give up their illusions that they can really
live in peace with the people who they displaced.

There are almost 500 dead as a result of the Palestinian
leadership's inability to understand power politics. Most
of the dead are Palestinian. How many more will die?

Yassir you moron. You don't bring a knife to a gunfight.


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