-Caveat Lector-

Probe Finds Judge Not In Violation

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A federal judge didn't violate judicial ethics
when she ignored normal procedures and sent three criminal cases
against friends of then-President Clinton and Democratic
fund-raisers to Clinton appointees, an inquiry concluded Monday.

The 10-month probe found Chief U.S. District Judge Norma Holloway
Johnson acted properly in assigning cases after learning in
advance from prosecutors that indictments would be issued in the
Whitewater and campaign fund-raising scandals.

Evidence suggests that Johnson ''did not assign cases with a
political or partisan motivation'' and didn't ''engage in any
deliberate or even clear violation of any rules,'' said a
nine-page decision by the Judicial Council, which is comprised of
seven of Johnson's fellow judges. Johnson is a Democratic
appointee of the Carter administration.

Getting a heads-up about impending indictments ''fell well within
the legitimate ministerial duties of the chief judge and indeed
was followed by the prior chief judge,'' the decision added.

The advance knowledge gave Johnson ''adequate time to consider
the circumstances of the particular case, contact the receiving
judge and notify the clerk's office well before the return of an
indictment,'' the inquiry concluded.

Ordinarily, cases are randomly assigned through a computer system
in the clerk's office. A court rule that has since been scrapped
allows the chief judge to circumvent the computer for protracted,
complex cases.

The ruling noted Johnson's recollections differed from those of

Johnson ''repeatedly stated'' to investigators that she ''never
met with prosecutors to discuss when indictments would be
returned,'' the judges noted.

The judges concluded Johnson's denials of advance knowledge were
''incorrect'' because ''a number of prosecutors'' in the
fund-raising and Whitewater probes ''specifically recalled
informing'' Johnson or her office of impending indictments, the
judges said. However, they concluded no wrongdoing.

Johnson's colleagues also examined her summoning of clerk's
office employees and prosecutors to her chambers one-by-one and
questioning them about the handling of cases after the inquiry of
her actions was announced, but before former U.S. Attorney Joe
Whitley began his probe for the court. Johnson questioned a
member of the clerk's office on three occasions under oath.

''Each of the clerks interviewed'' by Johnson ''stated ... that
they did not feel intimidated, coerced or otherwise improperly
influenced,'' said Johnson's fellow judges. ''We do not believe
that further investigation into the interviews would reveal any
improper purpose.''

At the court's request, Whitley looked into nine criminal cases
and concluded that Johnson specially assigned three of them: A
tax case against longtime Clinton confidant Webster Hubbell and
indictments against fund-raising figures Charlie Trie and Pauline
Kanchanalak. Trie, a former Little Rock restaurateur, is a
Clinton friend.

Whitley found that Johnson ''may have exceeded'' her authority in
assigning the Kanchanalak case to the same judge who handled the
Trie prosecution. But Johnson's fellow judges said her action
didn't support the allegation of political motivation.

The inquiry found conflicting evidence on whether Johnson
assigned several criminal cases, including that of Maria Hsia, a
longtime fund-raiser for Al Gore. Prosecutors said they
understood that Johnson had directed the Hsia case be sent to a
particular judge, but Johnson denied it.

''We do not believe that the facts show that Chief Judge Johnson
steered the Hsia case'' to U.S. District Judge Paul Friedman ''to
further any political or partisan interests,'' said Whitley's
136-page report. ''The facts do not establish that Chief Judge
Johnson had a role in the assignment of this case.''

Johnson attorney Mike Madigan said ''we are very pleased that
after a lengthy detailed investigation, the Judicial Counsel has
found that Chief Judge Johnson did not assign any case for
political or partisan purposes and that she did not violate any
provision of the Code of Judicial Conduct.''

Judicial Watch, a conservative group seeking the inquiry, said it
will appeal to the U.S. Judicial Conference, the policymaking
body for the federal judiciary.

''This decision shows that the judiciary is incapable of policing
itself,'' said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.

AP-NY-02-26-01 1637EST<

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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