-Caveat Lector-


> No specialist familiar with Iraq agrees with that. Rather, Saddam is breaking free
> from isolation. The Bush team publicly condemns Iraq's help from Russia and China,
> but maintains discreet silence about Iraq's signing free trade agreements late in
> January with coalition members Egypt and Syria, as well as Jordan. Saudi Arabia broke
> precedent by publicly criticizing the latest bombing. Statfor.com, the authoritative
> private intelligence source, reported on Feb. 16: "Saddam Hussein has succeeded in
> seizing momentum and redefining his country's ties to the outside world."

Iraq: No Endgame
By Robert D. Novak
CNS Commentary
February 26, 2001
One week after the escalated U.S.-British bombing of Iraq, silence pervades the
normally garrulous capital. There has been little approbation and hardly any
criticism from Congress. Most significantly, the new administration has not
explained why it is violating Secretary of State Colin Powell's stricture that every
U.S. military venture needs an endgame.
The silence on the Potomac can be traced partly to a basic reticence by President
Bush and his associates to share plans. But in this case, there appears to be no
plan and no endgame. Diplomatic and intelligence sources indicate Bush was reacting
to Saddam Hussein's heightened military activity, which in turn anticipated the
change of government in Washington Jan. 20.
Bush immediately called the Feb. 16 bombing a "routine mission." Indeed, the stepped-
up bombardment signals no clear change from the Clinton administration's containment
policy. The anti-Iraq coalition is no more, and Saddam has restored himself in the
Arab world with stronger backing from Russia and China. The Bush administration has
no plan to implement its desired removal of the Iraqi dictator, and no willingness
to change direction toward a negotiated settlement.
Private sources knowledgeable about Iraq believe George W. Bush's victory over Al
Gore shocked Saddam. In mid-December, Iraqi troops were on the move in both the
south and the north. By mid-January, Saddam was repositioning surface-to-air missile
sites. The missiles were being fired at Anglo-American air patrols, then quickly
moved away.
Was the new American chief-of-state, son of Saddam's arch-enemy, being tested? The
Bush team certainly thought so. New bombing by the U.S.-U.K. remnant of the former
Gulf War coalition actually began immediately after Bush's Jan. 20 inauguration,
nearly a month before the Feb. 16 assault.
The Bush administration has offered no broader justification than protection of
American and British pilots (which was not assured by the admittedly less than
successful raid). It refused to permit any of its officials to appear on Sunday
television two days after the bombing. "The president's own explanation at his first
press conference last Thursday was uncommunicative. On Friday, he did suggest a
weakening of anti-Iraqi sanctions at a time when former coalition partners are
abandoning them."
Actually, there is no doubt that Bush's overriding desire is to get rid of Saddam, a
goal his father hoped Operation Desert Storm would achieve. National security expert
Richard Perle, an unofficial Bush adviser, flatly predicts that the Iraqi president
will be gone within a year.
That surely won't be accomplished by military action that would require a minimum of
250,000 U.S. troops and guarantee the world's disapproval. Nor is there any chance
of repeating the prolonged bombing by the Western alliance that ultimately drove
Slobodan Milosevic from power in Serbia. But Perle believes, along with key Bush
administration figures, that a U.S.-financed opposition in Iraq can drive Saddam
from power.
No specialist familiar with Iraq agrees with that. Rather, Saddam is breaking free
from isolation. The Bush team publicly condemns Iraq's help from Russia and China,
but maintains discreet silence about Iraq's signing free trade agreements late in
January with coalition members Egypt and Syria, as well as Jordan. Saudi Arabia
broke precedent by publicly criticizing the latest bombing. Statfor.com, the
authoritative private intelligence source, reported on Feb. 16: "Saddam Hussein has
succeeded in seizing momentum and redefining his country's ties to the outside
On Jan. 17, senior Iraqi diplomat Nizar Hamdoon welcomed "any meaningful approach
that goes beyond the bombing and the use of force." A Clinton Cabinet member, who
declined use of his name, told me last week: "I think the time has come to end
sanctions. The Arab world is about to link oil prices with our policy in Iraq."
Bush shows little inclination to travel that road, particularly in view of the
silence on Capitol Hill. The only member of Congress on record criticizing the Feb.
16 bombing was Rep. Charles Rangel of New York, who said: "I think it is wrong ...
to take this extraordinary action without the direct support and consultation with
the United States Congress as well as the United Nations." Without sniping from more
Rangels, George W. Bush may follow Bill Clinton down Iraq's blind alley, but with
greater gains for Saddam Hussein.
Copyright 2001, Creators Syndicate
Read the latest from Bill O'Reilly and Linda Chavez Tuesday at CNSNews.com.

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The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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