-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton Library to Submit Names of Major Donors
Tuesday, February 27, 2001

 While confusion persists over the roles played by Beth Dozoretz and Denise
Rich in the pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich, Chairman Dan Burton of
the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee scored a small victory
Tuesday in his investigation of the controversial Clinton pardons.

Former President Clinton's Presidential Library Fund has sent a letter to
Burton's Committee saying the Fund will allow Congressmen Burton, R-Ind., and
Henry Waxman, D-Calif., to review a list of donors who have contributed
$5,000 or more.

Last week, the committee was rebuffed in its request to review the
foundation's donor list. The committee wants to see if any money came in that
could have been promised in exchange for pardons.

Joe Marquette/AP

1997: Democratic fund-raiser Beth Dozoretz testifying before the Senate
Governmental Affairs Committee in 1997.

Meanwhile, it was revealed late Monday night that Secret Service records show
Denise Rich and former Democratic Party Finance Chairwoman Dozoretz visited
the White House on President Clinton's last night in office, when he was
deciding on the pardon of Marc Rich and others, a Congressional source tells
FOX News.

The records show Dozoretz logging in at the White House at 5:29 p.m. and Rich
logging in at 5:30 p.m. on January 19.

But Dozoretz's husband, Ronald Dozoretz, told Fox News that although his wife
was cleared to enter the White House, she was on a plane in California with
him at 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 19, one minute after Secret Service logs show she
entered the White House complex. Dozoritz said he, his wife and his boss were
all on a flight together at that time to Los Angeles for a business meeting
and later a party.

And a source close to Denise Rich also claims Rich was not at the White House
that night. The source told the Washington Post that Denise Rich said she was
invited to the White House but did not go.

Congressional sources told Fox News they cannot explain why White House logs
indicate Rich and Dozeretz were at the White House Jan. 19 when family,
friends and other witnesses maintain the two women were elsewhere. The
sources said the discrepancy may be due to record-keeping errors made by the
Secret Service.

The Secret Service logs obtained by the House Government Reform Committee
show that between 1994 and Inauguration Day — Jan. 20 — Denise Rich was
scheduled to arrive at the White House 19 times, but only actually logged in
13 times. Between 1999 and Inauguration Day, Dozoretz visited the White House
43 times.

Taking the Fifth

Earlier Monday, Dozoretz invoked her Fifth Amendment protection against
self-incrimination and refused to testify before the House committee probe
into Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich.

Committee Chairman Dan Burton, R-Ind., has scheduled a hearing for Thursday
to investigate the Clinton pardons, and Dozoretz is on the witness list.
Bebeto Matthews/AP

1999:Songwriter Denise Rich poses for pictures before speaking at a luncheon
for the G&P Charitable Foundation for Cancer Research in New York.

Dozoretz, who stepped down in 1999 as finance director of the Democratic
National Committee and is a friend of Denise Rich, told the House Government
Reform Committee through her attorney she would not comply with the panel's
request to appear before it Thursday.

"Because of the pendency of other investigations, Ms. Dozoretz, upon advice
of counsel, has elected to invoke her constitutional privilege not to
testify," said her lawyer, Thomas Green.

Denise Rich also declined to testify before the committee earlier this month,
but that was before U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White confirmed her office was
conducting a criminal investigation into Clinton's pardons of Rich and his
partner, Pincus Green.

The committee sent a subpoena for Dozoretz on Monday and was immediately
contacted by her lawyer with her refusal.

"It is beginning to seem that the reason people aren't answering questions is
because they are hiding something," contended Burton. "This is unacceptable."

Luis M. Alvarez/AP

Legal sources say Hugh Rodham, brother-in-law of former Pres. Clinton, has
not yet repaid all of the nearly $400,000 he collected for lobbying for two

In a statement Monday, Chairman Burton expressed his disappointment with
Dozoretz' decision. "It is my hope that when she comes before the Committee
on Thursday, she will change her mind and answer the Committee's questions,"
he said. "It is very troubling that Beth Dozoretz and Denise Rich [ex-wife of
fugitive financier Marc Rich], both close friends of former President Clinton
who discussed the Rich pardon with him, would refuse to testify."

Burton also issued a rebuke to the former president, claiming that "ever
since former President Clinton issued a number of questionable pardons on
January 20, 2001, he has said that the American people will understand that,
when the facts come out, what he did was right. Unfortunately, the facts are
not coming out. It is beginning to seem that the reason people aren't
answering questions is because they are hiding something."

Dozoretz was among many people who made personal gifts to Clinton and his
wife during the president's last year in office. She gave them a dining
table, server and golf clubs, all valued at $7,000. She also pledged to raise
considerable sums of money for former president Clinton's library.

The investigations began with officials searching to see if Rich or his
family promised donations in return for his pardon.

Federal prosecutors in New York now are investigating whether the former
president commuted the sentences of four convicted swindlers in exchange for
Hasidic Jewish votes for his wife during her run for the Senate, a source has

Also under scrutiny are a pardon and a commutation for which Mrs. Clinton's
brother Hugh Rodham received nearly $400,000; two pardons on which her
campaign treasurer performed legal work; and the possible role of the former
president's half brother, Roger Clinton, in some other cases.

Advisers Scheduled for Thursday

Three of Clinton's closest White House advisers are scheduled to appear
Thursday: former chief of staff John Podesta, former White House counsel Beth
Nolan and former White House adviser Bruce Lindsey.

Also expected to testify is Skip Rutherford, the president of the Clinton
Presidential Library Foundation.

— Fox News' Jim Mills, Rita Cosby and The Associated Press contributed to
this report

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