-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Farms: from crisis to epidemic

Fordyce Maxwell, Farming Editor

A further five cases of foot-and-mouth disease were confirmed yesterday ,
taking the total to 12 and involving 7,000 animals in Britain’s worst
outbreak since 1967 as experts said the crisis was increasingly likely to
become an epidemic.

Two cases were confirmed in Devon and one in Wiltshire, all linked
conclusively to the Devon outbreak confirmed on Sunday.

Other cases were at Westerhope, Northumberland, linked to the
Heddon-on-the-Wall pig farm still suspected by Ministry of Agriculture vets
as the original source of infection, and at a farm in Hereford.

Last night, ministry vets were investigating Nether Place Farm, Lockerbie,
Dumfries-shire, and still carrying out tests at farm near Bowsden,
Northumberland, only a few miles from the Border.

The result of tests on pigs at Banks Farm, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire, are expected
today .

The expert view that cold weather and snow might encourage, rather than kill,
the virus which is a particularly virulent strain , was heeded by Scottish
Borders Council which announced that it would restrict road clearing
operations and keep rural services, such as rubbish collection vehicles, away
from the hundreds of farms in its area.

The list of new cases - with 1,800 cattle, 1,600 pigs and 3,500 sheep now
either slaughtered or about to be slaughtered - grew longer as Prime Minister
Tony Blair vowed that government would take every necessary step to fight the

He said: "It is extremely serious. There is no doubt at all that there will
be huge anxiety amongst farmers the length and breadth of the country."

He added: "We have simply got to wait and see how widespread this disease is.
Whatever is needed to tackle and eradicate it, those steps we will take."

Nick Brown, minister of agriculture, in a statement to the Commons said: "The
government is determined to eliminate the disease."

He emphasised again that there was no threat to human health or food safety
and that there was no threat of disruption to food supplies in spite of the
seven-day restriction on all livestock movement in Britain, except poultry
and milk supplies.

He urged the public to co-operate in helping avoid any risk of spreading the
disease by staying away from the countryside, particularly livestock areas,
but hinted that could be backed by temporary closure of rights of way and

He will brief other European Union farm ministers on the outbreak this
morning .

Yesterday in spite of praise from some EU ministers for Britain’s handling of
the crisis, Germany and Holland were slaughtering stock where there was any
hint of contact with Britain. The standing veterinary committee of the EU
will discuss the outbreak today.

Ross Finnie, rural development minister, said that the Scottish executive,
would maintain movement restrictions because the disease did not recognise
national borders.

He added: "There are still no confirmed cases in Scotland. But we must remain
greatly concerned and we will maintain our tough controls."

Much of Britain’s rural community is now under siege with children kept away
from school and many families are confined on farms under exclusion orders as
investigations are carried out.

The massive Countryside Alliance march planned for London next month has been
cancelled and international rugby matches are under threat. The National
Farmers Union of Scotland will probably cancel its annual meeting at Dunblane
next week.

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