-Caveat Lector-

When the truth comes out about the affair between Clinton and Janet Reno I'll be 
(mildly) surprised. There were some posts the other day accusing Clinton of (of all 
things) Lesbianism. I think Clinton would seriously be on the shortlist of Americans 
who defiantely aren't gay.

I'd be willing to believe he was a reptoid before I'd believe he was gay.

Damn, that's 4c total.

On Sat, 3 Mar 2001 17:18:47 -0500 tnohava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=21921
>Was there more to Rich pardon?
>Enquirer now reporting Clinton, Denise had White House affair
>© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
>The National Enquirer, which recently scooped the rest of the press on two
>big political stories -- Jesse Jackson’s love child and Hugh Rodham’s payoff
>for pardon work -- is reporting in its latest edition that former President
>Bill Clinton was having an affair with Denise Rich, the ex-wife of fugitive
>Marc Rich, whom Clinton pardoned on his last day in office.
>Congressional investigators in the House and Senate have launched probes to
>determine if Clinton pardoned the billionaire Rich in return for $1.5
>million that singer-socialite Denise contributed to Democratic causes,
>including the Clinton library and Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaign.
>Denise Rich was a frequent visitor to the White House -- even while Hillary
>was away, reports the Enquirer. According to the supermarket tabloid, better
>known for its Hollywood gossip than its investigative political reporting,
>eyewitnesses saw Denise Rich and Clinton kissing, holding hands and
>disappearing behind closed doors.
>An anonymous White House insider is quoted in the article as saying: "It was
>common knowledge among staff at the White House that Clinton and Rich had a
>much closer relationship than 'just friends.' They know of a sexual
>relationship. And they know she has told at least a couple of people about
>Marc Rich was indicted 17 years ago in the biggest case of tax fraud in U.S.
>history and for trading with the enemy -– the nation of Iran during the U.S.
>hostage crisis. He and his family fled to Switzerland.
>Denise Rich turned to songwriting while in Switzerland. In 1984, her song
>"Frankie" became a hit for the group Sister Sledge.
>In another story in the same edition of the Enquirer, an anonymous "top
>Justice Department source" is quoted as saying Hillary Clinton lied when she
>denied knowing anything about her brother Hugh's efforts to obtain pardons
>for a convicted swindler and a major L.A. drug dealer.
>"Hillary knew that her brother was involved in trying to get pardons from
>the president," the source said. "And this wasn’t the first time Hugh was
>involved in trying to get a pardon for someone from his brother-in-law."
>The report states Hugh Rodham was in the White House on Jan. 19 and 20 when
>Clinton was signing the pardons. The source said Hugh Rodham actually
>delivered a pardon petition directly to the president. Hillary Clinton was
>also in the White House at the time.

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