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Behind the sacred walls of Yale's secret societ…</A>

    Behind the sacred walls of Yale's secret societies

By Molly Ball and Emily Bell

George Bush, DC '48, William F. Buckley, Jr., DC '50, and Garry Trudeau, DC
'70; some of the most illustrious Elis have been members of Yale's infamous
secret societies. Recent exposure in the big-budget thriller Skulls and a
more intellectual Atlantic Monthly article have only added to the mystique
and notoriety of Yale's exclusive societies. Although associations such as
Skull and Bones, Book and Snake, and Scroll and Key are inextricably linked
to the Yale name, these societies play a small part in the lives of most
undergraduates, since they consist solely of a few seniors. Nonetheless, the
looming presence of their various "tombs" and the mystique they inspire make
secret societies an intriguing part of Yale life.

The windowless tomb of Skull and Bones, Yale's oldest secret society, looms
over High Street.
There are reportedly about a dozen senior-only societies, only a few of which
have tombs. The oldest, Skull and Bones, was founded in 1832. Not all secret
societies date back that far; some formed in response to the entrenched
elitism of their better-known counterparts. Most choose juniors and conduct
interviews at the end of each year (though some do accept applications).
You might not even realize the societies exist until Tap Night, an April
evening during which societies invite select juniors to join their ranks.
Cloaked and hooded seniors lead the blindfolded "taps" around campus in
obscure initiation ceremonies that often involve screaming and bizarre
behavior. This year, one tap had to hump a pole while being fed Nilla Wafers
and exclaiming, "Scooby Snacks!"

The dark, ancient "tombs" where the societies meet add to their air of
bizarre mystery. Hardly noticeable to the casual passer-by, the tombs have
few or no windows and are enclosed by locked gates. You rarely see anyone go
in or out, and the details of what transpires inside are kept as secret as
possible. Rumor has it that Skull and Bones has the highest water bill in all
of New Haven—enough to fill several swimming pools every month. Rumpus,
Yale's campus tabloid, routinely reports on societies' alleged naked parties
and debauched rituals.

Most societies meet Thursdays and Sundays for dinner. Sometimes a guest from
the community, such as a professor or local businessman, is invited to speak.
Often, a member presents his or her "autobiography," revealing personal
details—from childhood scars to sexual exploits—using props or slides.
"Normally you become friends with people and then get to know them; here you
get to know people and then you become friends with them," one tapped junior

All the elitism that surrounds traditional secret societies, however, is
missing in the Pundits. A mock secret society, the Pundits ridicule the
stuffy atmosphere that their counterparts cherish. A traditional Pundit prank
is the once-a-semester streak through Cross Campus and Sterling Memorial
Libraries during finals week. The group also once nearly succeeded in
impersonating the all-senior Whiffenpoofs a cappella group on The Today Show.

The purpose of secret societies is not simply clandestine fun and games—many
members join for the promise of getting to know people they ordinarily would
never meet. "There's just 15 or 16 people depending on each other," one
society member said. "Everyone starts on level ground." The all-male, Old
Blue mold is no longer dominant, and most societies strive to represent the
diverse Yale community.

No matter how hard secret societies try to project a politically correct
image, they are undeniably exclusionist. Tapped juniors have been known to
turn down bids from even the most prestigious societies. One tapped junior
who did accept was nonetheless hesitant; he said, "I was worried that I might
feel it was too elitist, that it would mean I wouldn't be able to spend as
much time with my current group of friends." However, for some of the
"chosen" ones, it is just this exclusivity that makes secret societies so
appealing. According to a senior society member, "The exclusive element of it
makes you have a closer relationship more quickly."
Back to Something Blue...


All materials © 2000 The Yale Herald, Inc., and its staff.

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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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