-Caveat Lector-

So they call it Christmas Blues ????   Have always wondered about lack
of sunshine in these new buildings - for instance in this one State
Officer Town the windows which are many are in hallways, or in offices
of administrative directors, etc - and the the continuity in government,
the Civil Service sit in center in these horrible alcoves which  I would
find impossible to use, with  those awful lights that add 10 years to
you?   And then the air is recycled.....this one floor many people were
dying from cancer, etc., and the day I visited this floor - they were
tearing cable out of the floors and or ceilings?

Is this what turned Michael Jackson pasty white?  Like warmed over
death?   Is this secret to cattle butchered out west maybae after
something more than just - well tadpoles were once put into a tank of
pineal glands taken from cows, etc., and they turned colorless - almost
clear......this is effect of melatonin, etc.

If kids were to get back into bright sunny classrooms - would they need
to take the neurotransmitter pills they would now force of them?

I wonder during a lobotomy, is the pineal glad which looks like pine
acorn - is this removed too - this is where the Indian Psychics
sometimes go through ritual to activate what is called this Third
Eye....with some people this eye opens naturally?   Like Octupus - maybe
like eye in back of head opening doors of perception but drugs enhances
this mystery of mysteries?

So John Glenn on his last space trip was to be experiment with melatonin
- suddenly before he went, it was dumped - anything I hate are these
fluoroescent lights - in fact, I am somewhat allergic to them.....

So the shorter the days get, the more depressed one gets?   Maybe we
need light bults like sunshine again to brighten the spirits?

All those cattle being butchered - wonder if someone has not already got
the contracts for this myserious pineal gland - which can remove
pigmentatioan of skin?

So under subject if you pull this up more information of pineal gland -
now if Gore was on some of this stuff which I think he and Clinton both
indulged in some of these "doors of perception being opened"    well the
Oracle would say yes you will win election....so like phoney prophets
always leave door open and motor running......some call this
propaganda......others call it  oracle -  soothsaying?   But drugs do
play tricks - and a dream come true - a nightmare?


Subjects > Authors > Titles > Reference > Columbia Encyclopedia
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition.  2001. pineal gland
 (pn´el) (KEY) , small organ (about the size of a pea) situated
in the brain. Long considered vestigial in humans, the structure, which
is also called the pineal body or the epiphysis, is present in most
vertebrates. It is sensitive to different levels of light and is
essential to the functioning of an animal's biological clock. In many
animals, including humans, the pineal gland synthesizes a hormone called
melatonin in periods of darkness. Melatonin synthesis is halted when
light hits the retina of the eye, sending impulses to the gland via the
optic nerve. Besides influencing daily, or circadian, rhythms such those
of as sleep and temperature, the pineal gland and melatonin appear to
direct annual rhythms and seasonal changes in animals. The pineal gland
and melatonin are now being studied for their roles in sleep,
reproduction, aging, and seasonal affective disorder. In humans the
pineal gland begins to produce melatonin at age 3 months; production
falls steadily from puberty on.

 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright © 2001 Columbia
University Press.
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