-Caveat Lector-


Monday, March 5 2001 11:58 10 Adar 5761

Rich associate had close ties to Baraks

By Buzzy Gordon

JERUSALEM (March 5) - Beth Dozoretz, who repeatedly invoked the
Fifth Amendment when called to testify last week before a
congressional committee investigating the pardon of financier
Marc Rich by former president Bill Clinton, apparently had close
ties with Ehud and Nava Barak.

Dozoretz, who has many links to Israel, served on the board of
the Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva. Nava Barak has been the
head of the Israeli Friends of the Rabin Medical Center for five

Television footage screened on Channel 1's Saturday night news
magazine showed a former Clinton aide testifying that, in his
last phone conversation with Clinton before the president left
office, Barak took time out from discussions on the Middle East
to press Clinton to pardon Rich. Barak has denied making unusual
efforts on Rich's behalf.

The same footage showed Dozoretz telling the committee that she
would not answer any questions, based on her constitutional right
not to incriminate herself.

A list of Dozoretz's links to Israel is included in her
biography, which appeared in the announcement last year of her
appointment to the board of directors of US Technologies Inc.,
which recently acquired the foundering Jerusalem-based seed-stage
venture-capital firm Yazam.

US Technologies has a number of prominent directors besides
Dozoretz, including former US senator George Mitchell, currently
heading the commission of inquiry into the origins of the "Aksa
intifada," and former CIA chief William Webster.

At the time of her appointment to US Technologies' board last
summer, Dozoretz, 49, who lives in Washington with her husband
and two children, was also serving on the board of the US
Holocaust Memorial Museum, as well as on the executive committee
of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the
wealthiest and most powerful pro-Israel lobbying group in the US.

In an interview in The New York Times on February 17, Dozoretz
was quoted as saying she was "close to" Ehud Barak, and that
before Barak was prime minister a mutual friend sent Barak and
his brother to her home. "We talked for two hours," she told the
paper, "and I was mesmerized. He was a lot like Clinton."

Dozoretz, the former finance chair of the Democratic National
Committee after the Clinton impeachment, is said to have
solicited $450,000 in donations to the Clinton presidential
library from Denise Rich, Marc Rich's ex-wife. The last $100,000
of the sum was pledged in 2000, at the height of the lobbying
campaign on behalf of a pardon for Rich. Denise Rich has also
declined to answer questions before the congressional committee.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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