-Caveat Lector-

March 6, 2001

I.R.S. Steps Up Tax-Evasion Raids



The Internal Revenue Service said yesterday that it conducted its most
extensive raids ever last week, pursuing suspected promoters of tax evasion
schemes for affluent people.
The I.R.S. says that the promoters used foreign banks and trusts to help
people hide their income and create fake deductions.
Commissioner Charles O. Rossotti said more than three dozen searches were
conducted and four arrests made as the I.R.S. deployed about 300 of its
2,700 criminal tax investigators on such cases.
Among the targets were the Institute of Global Prosperity, which operates
on the Internet and promotes what the government says are a variety of
fraudulent tax and investment schemes.
Also under investigation is Jerome Schneider, the author of books on moving
money offshore to reduce or eliminate taxes. His California marketing
office, as well as records of his lawyer in Los Angeles, Eric Witmeyer,
were raided.
Also raided were the sales and administrative offices of Anderson's Ark,
which sells what the government calls sham trusts for tax evaders, out of
Costa Rica and the state of Washington.
Mr. Rossotti said that "last week's historic enforcement activities send an
unmistakable signal about I.R.S. commitment to pursue investigations of
promoters and their clients who would try to move money offshore to evade
Since the appointment of Mark E. Matthews as head of the I.R.S. criminal
investigation division in late 1999, the division has focused on promoters
of sham trusts and offshore banking.
Americans are taxed on their worldwide income, and the I.R.S. says that the
promoters used foreign banks and trusts to help people hide their income
and create fake deductions.
The I.R.S. is expected to seek indictments of the promoters. Investors in
such schemes are often offered deals to inform on the promoters and are
pursued civilly for taxes, interest and penalties.
Those arrested, all of whom are affiliated with Anderson's Ark, were
identified by the government as Wayne Anderson, 55, of Squaw Valley,
Calif., and Richard Marks, 57, of Los Osos, Calif., who were charged with
tax evasion and money laundering; and Richard Castellini, 55, of Bridgeton,
N.J., and Michael Gonet, 49, of Stow, Mass., who were charged as
accessories for reportedly referring clients.
Keith Anderson, 59, of Santa Ana, Costa Rica, the founder of Anderson's
Ark, said he and those arrested had done nothing wrong and would be
vindicated if tried. Mr.  Anderson, who is a federal fugitive, spoke by
telephone from a location that he declined to specify.
He said that "the criminal government of the United States" has deceived
people into believing that the income tax laws were properly enacted when
in his view they are illegal.
He said that for 21 years his "free enterprise organization" has been
helping Americans create "what the government likes to call trusts because
that sounds like a big deal, but these are just contracts between two
parties that help them build wealth" in ways that he said are not taxable.
Mr. Schneider has written books including "The Complete Guide to Offshore
Money Havens" and "How to Own Your Own Private International Bank," both
published by his own company in California.
Harland Braun, a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer who said Mr. Schneider
hired him after the raid, said his client had not violated any law and only
promoted the lawful use of offshore banks.
Mr. Braun said that Mr. Schneider suspected that the undercover I.R.S.
agents mentioned in the affidavit supporting the search warrant were tax
evaders and, as a law-abiding citizen, turned them in to the authorities.
Mr. Schneider's seminars, held in Vancouver, British Columbia, and on
tropical islands, attract wealthy Americans. According to the affidavit,
Mr. Schneider sold private banks on Nauru, an island in the Pacific Ocean,
as a way to hide income and create fake tax deductions.
To hide income, a client would funnel unreported income to his bank on
Nauru.  Investments would grow unseen by the I.R.S. The bank would also
issue mortgages against homes in the United States, which would allow a tax
evader to take a mortgage interest deduction for money he paid to himself
through the bank.
The I.R.S. said clients were advised to slowly reduce the income they
reported to the I.R.S., a technique that the tax agency said would not be
detected by its computers when they search for patterns of tax fraud in the
data taken from income tax returns.
Mr. Witmeyer, the Los Angeles lawyer whom the I.R.S. characterized as an
accomplice of Mr. Schneider, did not return a call requesting an interview.
Officials and associates of the Institute of Global Prosperity did not
respond to an e-mail request and no listed telephone numbers could be found
for the promoters named in the search warrant.
Mr. Schneider also runs seminars that feature well-known guest lecturers.
Among the speakers were Representative Billy Tauzin, Republican of
Louisiana; Oliver L.  North, the radio talk show host and retired Marine
colonel; and Nadine Strossen, president of the American Civil Liberties Union.
A spokesman for Mr. Tauzin, Ken Johnson, said Mr. Tauzin spoke at a
Vancouver seminar in June 1999 in hopes of winning wealthy Americans over
to his plan for a national retail sales tax to replace the income tax.
"The congressman believes that if we had a retail sales tax, there would be
no need for wealthy people to hide their money overseas," Mr. Johnson said.
Soon after arriving at the seminar, Mr. Johnson said, he concluded that a
mistake had been made and that the event struck him as devoted to
investment schemes and tax evasion. He said that Mr. Schneider had tried to
persuade Mr. Tauzin to engage in one-on-one talks with individuals "and
that's when I grabbed Billy's arm and got him out of there."
Mrs. Strossen and a spokesman for Mr. North, Tom Kilgannon, said that the
appearances involved speeches unrelated to taxes and that neither guest had
any idea that Mr. Schneider was suspected of promoting tax evasion.

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