Well he hooked up to ADL (Anti Defamatin League) and is responsible for
FBI Hate List while the FBI had a KGB Agent on their payroll.

It was this bunch that called the FBI and BATF and one Judge to stay
home that day in Oklahoma......he put with ADL Militia and Christians
and Moslems on FBI Hate List.

Dees recently made a movie in one scene he is standing by a Christmas
tree (he is jewish) and his daughter beside him - acccording to web
search engine and his divorce trial Dees engaged in homosexual actvity
and molested his daughter .....

So Littleton - no hate crimes here huh?   Just a bunch of Christian kids
killed by a real hater and his buddy - descended from Jewish Mafia.

The Meyer Lansky has a movie now with Richard Drefus - Lansky got his
son in to West Point and you can see why West Point is now just another
school of assassins when you consider the Japanese sharpshooter who
murdered the little 8th grader and shot his dog and then murdered his
mother holding a baby...what no Dees Hate List here?

So the ADL is in hiding - got caught attempting to force pardon of
Richie Rich aka Reich - who ws connected not only to organized crime but
the Mossad and Barak - so remember the USS Liberty here.

Aryan Nations - what a set up - its a land grab, and this pig Dees is
the biggest pig of the lot; there is a lot of information coming up on

Tell me was the Church of Satan ever on hate list when Anton LaVey who
was jewish, Anton Levy - that creep ever put on hate list?

Hey what about this  Mark Lane aka Mark Levy he was with Dorothy
Kilgallon before she died, he was at Jonestown, he was with Larry Flynt
and Meyer Lansky henchmen got him, he got to Rick Strawcutter and then
lo and behold Heavens Gate people were murdered without a doubt and then
Oklahoma connected to this Lane too....but it was Dees and ADL who
called FBI and BATF and a Judge to say stay at home this day - and let
the babies in the cradle>

Oh this Jewish Mafia in Columbus - one lawyer was involvled and ended up
in Vegas where he took submachine gun and shot up place in robbery
attempt - he was Chairman for Campaign of a Jewish Judge and ran with
the doctors one of whom was in prison with Hoffa and it is said this
doctor either had him murdered (for he was tied to Lansky too) or got
him away in his boat The Great Escape....

Last night I saw Amos Lynch on TV of the C
oumbus Call and Post, publisher - he was the only publisher who had the
guts to print the story that a black doctor (Amos is black0 was murdere
by this bunch and they set up a black kid for it - for their intent was
just to "castrate" this black doctor and the Hit Man who was later let
out of prison by CFR Richard Celeste Govenor (who no doubt got a wad of
dough to do that) named Ralph DeLeo......how many people did the murder,
into drugs primarily.....and they had neo nazi literatuare stashed away
and I bungled onto that.

So check out this Dees and see their connection to murder and mayhem of
their own making........see Clinton and who surrounded him and the FBI
with their hate list oh so carefully prepared by ADl - what the hell is
this greedy bunch of bastards doing providing hate lists while they try
to clean up this garbage Jewish Mafia full of murderers......and this
Klebold kid?    Well his tracks lead to this bunch through his

So who is Morris Dees?   Well why is he noit on a Hate List????   Has
the ADL come out of hiding yet and does Zionism really rule high today
as it did under Clinton?   I think not.


Who is Morris Dees?
by DeesWatch Staff and Associates
The son of a farmer, Morris "Bubbah" Seligman Dees Jr. (SS# 424-46-7003)
was born on December 16, 1936 in Alabama.  After receiving his B.A.
and J.D. degrees from the University of Alabama he made a fortune
selling cook books through the mail.  In 1971 he founded a nonprofit
organization known as the Southern Poverty Law Center, its stated
purpose to fight racism, prejudice, discrimination, anger, hatred,
anti-Semitism and to educate children through a program called Teaching
Tolerance. In 1981, Dees organized Klanwatch to combat organized racist
activity through innovative lawsuits.  Dees most heralded victory was
a large judgment against a California television repairman because of
the content of the man's public access talk show. The man could not
afford a lawyer, while Dees has 70-90 million dollars. After gaining his
audience's trust by showing he has gone after Aryan Nations and the Ku
Klux Klan, Dees lumps in conservative non-racist, nonviolent
"antigovernment patriot groups," such as the old-line anti-communist
John Birch Society and "militia groups" loosely affiliated with the
National Rifle Association as a legitimate part of his broad "anti-hate"
An open supporter of the "one world movement," Dees derides those who
believe the federal government has grown too  large and far beyond its
constitutional mandate as "dangerous psychos."  Like the '50s red
baiters who exploited the  country's legitimate fears of Communism to
attack democrats, Morris Dees exploits fears of racism to smear anyone
who  owns guns, opposes racial preferences, dislikes homosexuality,
fears excessive federal government, or opposes excessive 
Dees continually blames the nation's militia groups for the Oklahoma
City bombing despite the fact federal prosecutors 
concluded that there is no evidence that Timothy McVeigh or Terry
Nichols were ever members of a militia group. Dees has actively
campaigned for laws in which "associations of two or more persons" who
train in the use of forearms for defensive purposes are declared illegal
Despite his image as the moral guardian of the nation, his ex-wife cited
in divorce documents at least one homosexual encounter, and numerous
mistresses including his daughter-in-law and underage stepdaughter. 
The Montgomery-Advertiser won a journalism award for a series of
investigative articles exposing Dees' unethical 
fundraising. Chief Justice Warren Burger refused to overturn a federal
trial judge's ruling that Dees had suborned a witness to commit perjury
in the Joan Little case in North Carolina. Dees' attempted lawsuit
against the Nationalist Movement was a miserable failure. 
Dees launched the rumor in April 1996 about a racist conspiracy to burn
Black churches in the South. After subsequent investigation revealed
there was no rash of Black church burnings, many newspapers, including
The Charlotte Observer, concluded that Dees "misinformed" the press. 
USA Today reported in 1996 that Dees's Southern Poverty Law Center was
"the nation's richest civil rights organization" with $68 million in
assets. Stephen Bright, one of Dees's numerous former associates, told a
reporter that Dees is "a fraud who has milked a lot of very wonderful,
well-intentioned people." 
While Dees and his Center purport to fight prejudice and racism, 12 of
13 former Black employees interviewed by The Montgomery Advertiser
complained they experienced or observed racial problems during their
employment. Several said the law center was, "more like a plantation."
Former intern Christine Lee said she was nicknamed, "little girl" by a
White supervisor.  "As I was told (at the SPLC), they don't need Black
people telling them how to handle Black issues.", Lee said. 
Dees has come under fire for not hiring Blacks to fill authoritative
positions in his Center. In 1994 the Center had no Black attorneys on
staff.  Rep. John Rogers (D-Birmingham) criticized the so-called civil
rights group, saying, "The lack of Blacks draws into question whether
the center is really committed to every Black person or whether it has
been a money making thing. . . They are using poor Black folks to make
money off of.  I'm appalled." 
"They're drowning in their own affluence," Pamela Summers, a former
Center legal fellow told The Montgomery Advertiser,"What they are doing
in the legal department is not done for the best interest of everybody
[but] is done as though the sole, overriding goal is to make money." 
Sumners stated, "I think people associate the SPLC with ... going to
court.  And that's why they get the money. And they don't go to
court."  There have only been a handful of court cases over the years,
many of which remain unresolved. Dees entire legal staff resigned in
1985 saying Dees' sole focus was on the Klan, because that's where the
money was perceived to be.

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The Denver Rocky Mountain News has
Inside the Columbine investigation:

Brutal Klebold emerges in accounts
Survivors say teen was no meek follower as he methodically and
sadistically killed

By Kevin Vaughan
and Lynn Bartels

Denver Rocky Mountain News Staff Writers
Lance Kirklin lay on the grass outside Columbine High School, blood
pouring from gunshot wounds in both legs and his chest.

A shadow appeared over him.
"Help me," he moaned. "Help me."
The next voice was a gunman's.
"You want help?" the killer said. "I'll help you."
Then he raised a shotgun and pulled the trigger, blowing away the left
side of Kirklin's face.

It was a brutal moment in the brutal April 20 attack on Columbine High
that left 12 students, a teacher and the two gunmen dead and more than
20 others wounded.

Today, as Kirklin struggles to recover, he's sure the gunman who coldly
tried to finish him off was Dylan Klebold.

He's not alone in this belief -- other students who survived the assault
have described similar scenes.

The accounts defy the image that developed in the first days after the

Many then assumed it was Klebold's partner, Eric Harris, who led the
death march. After all, he's the one with the violent rantings into
cyberspace, the diary planning the attack, the Internet death threats,
the customized version of a violent video game.

He was the one who dreamed of joining the military, going to war and
killing people, who boasted of how much he'd like to blow up his school.

Klebold had enrolled in college to study computer programming. Friends
had described him as a pacifist.

But slowly a picture of the mayhem at
Columbine is emerging that shows Klebold and Harris equally capable of
pulling the trigger and lighting the fuse.
"Dylan isn't as much of a follower as everyone thinks he is," said
Columbine graduate Brooks Brown, who had known Klebold since first
Brown still can't believe that either Klebold or Harris could have
planned the horrific attack. But once it started, Brown said, Klebold
wouldn't have stood around while Harris did all the shooting.
"I've been thinking a lot about this," Brown said. "And Dylan wasn't
calm when he was angry like Eric was.
"Dylan would just lose it."
Sophomore Evan Todd, who was later treated for a minor wound to the
back, dived under a table in the library after Harris and Klebold
launched the attack. Then Klebold jammed a TEC-DC9 semiautomatic pistol
in his face.
He wanted to know if Todd was a jock. Todd, a football player and
wrestler, lied and said no.
"He wanted to see my face," Todd said. "I was under a desk at that time.
I held my face out. He asked me if I wanted to die. I said, 'I don't
want to get into any trouble.'
"'Trouble!' Klebold said, 'you don't know what trouble is.' I said,
'That's not what I mean. I don't have a problem with you guys. I never
did. I never will."'
Klebold turned away. Then Todd watched as the two gunmen killed two of
his friends.
Klebold shot at least one of them, he believes, and along with Harris
hurled racial slurs at Isaiah Shoels, a black student killed in the
Then, also like Harris, Klebold laughed.
"The Dylan of late sounded not like the Dylan of old time," said Lyle
Welsh, whose two sons survived the assault on Columbine.
Aaron, a senior, was in the library on April 20. He later wrote about
the way both gunmen systematically fired their weapons under desks where
terrified students hid.
"Aaron definitely says Dylan was as much a participant in the library as
Eric," Lyle Welsh said.
Other students also described an equal partnership.
"They said they had waited to do this their whole life," recalled
Crystal Woodman, who survived the library. "Someone asked them what they
were doing and they said, 'killing people.'
"They just had this happy tone in their voices, but it was really sick
and chilling. They would cheer and ask, 'Who is next?"'
Division Chief John Kiekbusch of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office
said he would not talk about specific details of the investigation.
However, he acknowledged that survivors have indicated that Klebold had
a "greater role" in carrying out the attack than some people think.
That should not surprise anybody, said John Douglas, a former federal
agent who helped develop the art of personality profiling and was the
inspiration for the character Jack Crawford, an FBI agent, in the book
and movie The Silence of the Lambs.
"I've seen this in other types of cases, from kidnappings to murders,"
he said. "Oftentimes you do have an opposite -- opposites attract. You
do find one person more dominant, more of a leader, and the other is
more passive, more of a follower. ... But once you get this person to
take the first step, they're just as culpable as the other one."
Douglas, whose latest book is The Anatomy of Motive, said both Harris
and Klebold had the ability to make choices.
"There's nobody putting a gun up to either one of their heads making
them do anything," he said. "What you have here is that one person is
easier to read than the other.
"One person may carry his personality on his sleeve. The other person
you may not know -- he's quiet."
But, he said, one common denominator must have existed in Harris and
Klebold: an antisocial personality.
"It shouldn't surprise anyone that one guy goes way beyond what anyone
would expect," Douglas said.
June 6, 1999   

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