-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/08/2001 10:34:44 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<<    The U.S.-based nonprofit group Packard Foundation donated more than $5
    million to the Worldwide Fund for Nature to help the Mexican
    government rent or buy logging rights from local residents to
    compensate for lost income while developing alternative job sources >>

And there you have the problem.  Does anyone think the Mexican government did
anything for the local residents or loggers?  Of course it did not.  The
people with money said, "What would these peasants do with a little extra
money?  They don't need it.  We important people would like new Mercedes.
Let the peasants starve; they will get used to it."  If groups took money to
the local residents and/or loggers, the results would be a lot better.  I
remember when the mountain top slid into the reservoir of the Vaiont Dam in
Italy about thirty years ago.  I think there were about eight survivors.
Eight or ten million dollars were collected to help the survivors and
rebuild the city of Longaron that had been destroyed.  It was decided not to
try to rebuild.  I'll bet the survivors never saw a dime of that money, but
I'll bet some very rich Italian politicians got a lot richer.   Prudy

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