-Caveat Lector-


March 10, 2001

An Empty Chair at Harvard


CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- Among undergraduates at Harvard University,
the air is full of anticipation. The lead singer of the pop band
U2 will be addressing the graduating class this June. Both
varsity ice hockey teams are in the playoffs, spring break is
just around the corner and the local pizzeria recently added
chicken wings to its late-night menu.

Of milder interest: Harvard is poised to name a new president to
replace current president Neil L. Rudenstine, who has held the
post for the past 10 years.

The highly secretive, seven-month search has drawn national
attention. Since Harvard is the nation's oldest institution of
higher learning, the changing of the guard here carries a certain
symbolic significance.

But Harvard's own undergraduates have followed the story with
detachment. The student population on the whole has had little to
say about the search process or the qualities desired in a
university president. The news media went wild when it was
revealed last October that former president Bill Clinton might be
in the running, but students were remarkably indifferent.

Such apathy is easily explained: The university president is not
someone students normally associate with undergraduate education.
The academic experiences of Harvard undergraduates, like those of
students at most other schools, are largely governed by
committees, deans, professors, teaching assistants, tutors and
advisers. The school's president is just the guy who shakes your
hand during freshman orientation.

This is not how it used to be. In fact, the Harvard president
used to play a highly visible role in shaping undergraduate
education, both on his own campus and nationally. When Charles W.
Eliot revamped the undergraduate curriculum toward the end of the
19th century and challenged accepted norms of classical
education, he commanded the attention of an entire nation. To
millions he was known as First Citizen of the Republic, a title
bestowed upon him by President Theodore Roosevelt.

A. Lawrence Lowell, who succeeded Eliot in 1909, wrote a seminal
treatise defending academic freedom and inquiry that set a
standard for American higher education. And under Derek Bok, the
university adopted a core curriculum in 1978 that received
national attention for its radical departure from traditional
methods of undergraduate instruction.

But the role of the university president has changed as the
demands of administration and fund-raising have increased. It's
also more common for a president to advance an educational agenda
through subtler means. Delegation is favored over declaration.
The vision of a president thundering righteously from his bully
pulpit has been replaced by the image of a bureaucrat making
phone calls and writing letters.

The lack of strong, visible leadership that galvanizes opinion
and champions innovation has made our nation's colleges, Harvard
included, complacent. A 1998 report by the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching found that undergraduates are
being shortchanged at many of the nation's top research

Here at Harvard, students, faculty and administrators alike have
expressed discontent with aspects of undergraduate education.
Some have bemoaned inadequate academic mentoring; others have
criticized a tenure process that underemphasizes teaching
ability. Students regularly gripe about constrictive graduation
requirements and incompetent teaching assistants. But there has
been little improvement on these fronts.

Reinvigorating undergraduate education will require a drastic
revision of what the Harvard presidency has become. Certainly,
Harvard needs someone who can succeed in fund-raising and running
an enormous corporate enterprise. But for students here, the
presidency has to mean more than someone who sits in the big
house and begs for money.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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