-Caveat Lector-

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 05:43:53 -0500
To: Gunsafe members <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Gun haters focus on state legislatures


U.S. gun control lobby looks to states for action

                 WASHINGTON, March 13 (Reuters) - Faced with a less-sympathetic
                 ear in the White House, America's main gun control group on
                 announced a new initiative to persuade states to impose safety
standards on
                 the gun industry.

                 Gun control advocates reject suggestions they are losing steam
in their fight
                 against guns at the federal level with the arrival of President
George W.
                 Bush, but say their battle is likely to focus more than ever
on the state level.

                 "We will probably be more active on the state level than before
but we are
                 not giving up at the federal level either," Michael Barnes,
president of the
                 Center to Prevent Handgun Violence and its affiliate, Handgun
Control, told

                 A California high school shooting eight days ago that left two
dead and 13
                 wounded brought the issue of guns to the forefront again in
a country where
                 about 30,000 people die from firearm-related deaths each year.

                 Gun control advocates also point out the rate of firearm deaths
                 children 14 years and younger is nearly 12 times more than in
25 other
                 industrialized countries combined.

                 The calls for stricter gun controls appeared more muted than
usual after last
                 Monday's shooting, with Sen. Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat,
                 calling for a "code of responsibility" for gun owners rather
than tougher

                 Former President Bill Clinton was a vocal supporter of the gun
                 lobby, while Bush leans more toward the views of the powerful
                 Rifle Association, which says enforcement of current regulations
and not
                 new ones is the answer to gun violence.

                 Using Massachusetts as an example, Barnes announced a new push
by his
                 group to get states to regulate the gun control industry by
using consumer
                 protection laws already in place in at least 20 other states.

                 Massachusetts regulations force gun manufacturers to install
gunlocks and
                 built-in child safety devices on all guns. In addition, the
state has strict
                 registration and licensing requirements and bans assault weapons.

                 "One of the tragic absurdities of our nation's gun policies
is that guns, which
                 take the lives of 30,000 Americans every year, are completely
exempt from
                 regulation by the Consumer Product Safety Commission," said


                 In a report called "Targeting Safety," the center analyzed consumer
                 protection statutes in the states and found 20 of them had the
same legal
                 power as Massachusetts to impose safety standards on guns though
they did
                 not do it.

                 "This means that state officials have the power right now to
save lives by
                 making handguns safer, without the need to enact new laws,"
Barnes said.

                 The center said it had sent the report to the 20 states and
urged them to
                 follow Massachusetts' example and impose stringent consumer
                 on the safety of guns.

                 "The National Rifle Association is fond of saying we need to
                 vigorously enforce existing laws to prevent violence. That's
exactly what we
                 are asking states to do," said Barnes.

                 NRA spokesman Bill Powers told Reuters gun control lobbyists
were trying
                 to accomplish "via the back door" what they had failed to do
                 Congress, adding that last November's election results showed
how most
                 Americans felt about the issue of guns.

                 Powers said it was "unfair and deceptive" of gun control advocates
to say
                 regulations did not already exist to control the gun industry.
"Firearms are
                 one of the most heavily regulated products in America," he said.

                 When Massachusetts Attorney General Tom Reilly announced the
                 implementation last April of the first state consumer safety
standards for
                 handguns, it was immediately challenged in court by the gun

                 The industry's lawsuit, which argued that Reilly had exceeded
his legal
                 authority, reached the state's supreme court which upheld the
                 General's authority.

                 Reilly welcomed the move to encourage states to follow Massachusetts
                 said this was a useful approach for the gun control lobby. "The
situation in
                 Washington is not encouraging at the moment. But maybe the president
                 surprise us, I hope so," said Reilly

                 Copyright © 2001 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

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