-Caveat Lector-

News Max Exclusive:

Jackson Hit With Another Charge of Illegal Activity

Wes Vernon
Tuesday, March 13, 2001

Jesse Jackson’s mounting legal problems continued to grow
Tuesday, as the Federal Election Commission received another
complaint against him, along with the Democratic National
Committee and the Gore-Lieberman campaign.

The American Conservative Union (ACU) filed the charges with the
FEC, alleging that the self-styled civil rights leader, in
cooperation with the Democratic Party and the Gore-Lieberman
campaign, had violated the law on several counts, all of them
with a focus on the use of Jackson’s organizations, including
Citizenship Education Fund, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, Keep Hope
Alive PAC, Illinois Rainbow/PUSH, and Illinois, People United.

The charges include the following:

1.  That Jackson illegally used his tax-exempt groups to provide
in-kind campaign contributions to the Democratic National
Committee and the Gore-Lieberman campaign after receiving illegal
contributions from the DNC and Gore-Lieberman.

2.  That Jackson applied corporate expenditures to fund and
implement partisan "voter registration” and "get-out-the-vote
drives” that specifically urged the election of the
Gore-Lieberman ticket and other candidates, and coordinated those
efforts with the DNC and Gore-Lieberman.

3.  That the Gore-Lieberman campaign illegally solicited and
accepted in-kind contributions from Jackson’s corporations,
citing this as "a criminal offense, subject to criminal

4.  That Jackson’s travel for partisan campaign purposes, with
numerous appearances in more than 150 locations, was paid for by
his tax-exempt corporations and reimbursed by the Democratic
Party or Gore/Lieberman Inc.  In one section of its filing, the
ACU specifically alleges that Jackson’s groups were "reimbursed
by the Democratic National Committee in the amount of $450,000.”

The conservative group is urging the commission to refer the
complaint to the Justice Department for prosecution "as may be

Additionally, the ACU has fired off a letter to Treasury
Secretary Paul O’Neill and Internal Revenue Service Commissioner
Charles O.  Rossoti requesting the Internal Revenue Service to
"conduct an audit of the Citizenship Education fund ('CEF') and
its affiliated organization, Rainbow/Push Coalition ('RPC') as
well as other organizations and entities” in the complaint.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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