-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Military Spending Spree Drains China’s Education Funds
Wednesday, March 14, 2001
China’s enormous spending on its military has dwarfed appropriations for
education and so deprived school budgets that some officials are calling for
a national lottery to raise money.
According to the Hong Kong Mail, defense spending will jump by 18 percent –
reaching an all-time high figure in China’s frantic effort to build one of
the world’s biggest and toughest military forces.

The projected spending of 141 billion yuan (which does not include so-called
black items never reported) is almost six times higher that the 28 billion
earmarked for education. The disparity has led some National People¹s
Congress delegates to suggest starting a national lottery to finance

China Moves Toward War
Charles R. Smith
Tuesday, March 13, 2001
According to congressional sources, China is rapidly moving toward war. A
newly released congressional report predicts that China will attack Taiwan
unless the United States supplies badly needed defense systems to the tiny
island nation.
"Taiwan is virtually defenseless against the 250 missiles now deployed by
Beijing," noted Al Santoli, senior foreign policy adviser to Rep. Dana
Rohrabacher. The investigative report prepared by Santoli was delivered to
Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee.

"If we do not send strong political signals by enhancing Taiwan's defense
systems, and urging democratic cohesion in Taipei, Beijing could go for the
gusto [invade Taiwan] even before it reaches its full deployment of 600
cross-Strait missiles by 2005," states the congressional report.

According to the report, Taiwan is now helpless against the growing arsenal
of advanced missiles being deployed by Beijing. The report calls upon newly
elected President Bush to supply "long-range radar systems" and "software
links" to Taiwan to "more rapidly tie together its disparate warning and
response systems."

"From Defense Minister Shi-wen Wu to Armed Forces Chief of Staff Gen.
Yao-ming Tang to IW/EW Commander Lt. Gen Abe Lin to ship and submarine
commanders in Kaoshiung, all emphasized the need for the Aegis naval (radar)
system," noted the report.

Clinton Policy Destabilized Region

In 2000, the Clinton administration refused to export the Aegis radar system
to Taiwan and withheld U.S.-made AMRAAM air defense, citing pressure from Red
China. Congressional defense experts now cite Taiwan's lack of advanced radar
and defensive missiles as inviting Red China to attack now.

"The PLA is rapidly bringing a new generation of Russian-made fighters on
line with advanced avionics and air-to-air missiles. It is a cruel joke to
withhold U.S. AMRAAM missiles purchased by Taiwan in Hawaii until after the
PLA begins firing at them," noted the report.

"We should have learned from Vietnam. The current nonsensical policy is
similar to Robert McNamara and his Whiz Kids in 1965. Taiwan should receive
the AMRAAMs now, to deter an attack."

Red Subs Threaten Taiwan and U.S.

The report also noted that Taiwan's submarine force is badly outnumbered and
outclassed by new Chinese attack subs.

"The PLA navy now has 96 operational submarines, including state of the art
diesel subs, compared to the 4 submarines of the Taiwan navy. Two of those
[Taiwanese] submarines are Guppies built in 1946," states the congressional

"The U.S. should sell at least a few submarines to Taiwan, as well as provide
advanced air and surface ASW assets."

The newly released congressional report also underscored assessments by U.S.
defense analysts about the rapid increase in the Chinese submarine and
missile forces. The Chinese navy's single ballistic missile submarine cannot
reach American targets from its home waters. However, in January China tested
its new submarine-launched JL-2 (Great Wave) missile from underwater.

According to the Cox report, the JL-2 was built using stolen American nuclear
secrets. The 7,000-mile-range JL-2 missile is capable of striking three
targets with lightweight nuclear warheads and can destroy any city along the
heavily populated U.S. West Coast from Chinese home waters.

U.S. intelligence sources confirmed that China is constructing a new class of
nuclear submarine to carry the JL-2 missile. Each submarine is designed to
carry 16 JL-2 missiles. The PLA Navy is expected to take delivery of the
first JL-2 armed nuclear sub in 2005.

KLUB Cruise Missile

In addition, the Chinese navy recently bought two advanced Russian Kilo-class
diesel attack submarines. U.S. defense sources stated they were gravely
concerned the submarines, undergoing modification in the Russian Bol'shoy
Kamen shipyard, would be equipped with a deadly new underwater-fired missile
- the 3M54 "KLUB," NATO code-named SS-N-27.

China is reported to be on the verge of concluding a multibillion-dollar arms
deal with Moscow to equip its rapidly growing attack submarine force with the
KLUB, a long-range, airborne cruise missile reported to be similar in
performance and range to the U.S. Tomahawk.

"The Chinese are reported to be interested in the KLUB, but no reports of a
sale just yet," stated Richard Fisher, a senior fellow at the Jamestown

The KLUB "comes in two versions. One is a 300 km land attack cruise missile
similar to the Tomahawk. If the PLA purchases this version of the KLUB, it
would then have a strategic force projection capability if placed on current
or future submarines," noted Fisher.

"With this version of the KLUB, the PLA could support Iran by attacking
Western Coalition bases in the Middle East, or by attacking India in the
event of a war with Pakistan. It also has more options to attack Taiwan and
U.S. bases in Asia in the event of conflict there," stated Fisher.

"The second version of the KLUB is a subsonic cruise missile with a
supersonic rocket second stage that attacks ships. Again, the U.S. or many of
its allies lack the ability to defend against this kind of missile. For the
PLA, the long range of the KLUB can be exploited once it has its soon-to-be
launched constellation of imaging and radar satellites."

Jack Spencer, a defense analyst and senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation,
echoed Fisher's concerns, noting that the KLUB and other Russian missile were
designed with American targets in mind.

"This anti-ship missile is very difficult to defend against and it was
developed to kill American ships," emphasized Spencer.

"The thing to remember is that the United States depends largely on its Navy
to project power around the world. So we should find it exceedingly troubling
that these anti-ship missiles are proliferating at such a dangerous rate,"
noted Spencer.

Rocket Torpedo

While the U.S. Navy is concerned over the rapid growth of anti-ship missiles
such as the KLUB, another modern Russian weapon purchased by Beijing has sent
alarm bells ringing through the halls of the Pentagon. According to defense
analysts, the Chinese navy recently bought a small number of Russian-made
Shkval rocket torpedoes.

"China has reportedly purchased the Shkval, but there are also reports that
its current subs do not have tubes large enough to fire it. This very high
speed torpedo would provide the PLA with the technology to build their own
version, and this is a looming threat," noted the Jamestown Foundation's
Richard Fisher.

"The Shkval was designed to give Soviet subs with less capable sonar the
ability to kill U.S. submarines before U.S. wire-guided anti-sub torpedoes
could reach their target. The PLA would certainly want to have this kind of
advantage over U.S. subs in the future. At the speed that it travels, the
Shkval could literally punch a hole in most U.S. ships, with little need for
an explosive warhead," stated Fisher.

The Shkval rocket came to light in the Western press in 2000 when Russia
security services charged American businessman Edward Pope of spying for the
U.S. According to Russian intelligence sources, Pope obtained detailed
information on the rocket-powered torpedo.

"We have no equivalent, its velocity would make evasive action exceedingly
difficult, and it is likely that we have no defense against it," concluded
the Heritage Foundation's Jack Spencer.

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