Activist Alert

ISSUE:  Taxpayer-financed Salem State College has hired Bill Clinton to
speak on March 26, at a reputed fee in excess of $100,000.  After degrading
the Oval Office and leaving a legacy as possibly the most corrupt
Administration in United States history, Bill Clinton should not receive
huge payoffs bankrolled by unwilling taxpayers and tuition-paying students.

ACTION ITEM:  Sign the petition to Salem State College President Nancy D.
Harrington demanding that she cancel the appearance by Bill Clinton:
http://action.SixtySecondActivist.com/ .  Please forward this message to as
many people as you can.

Awwww ... Don't You Just Feel Soooo Sorry for Him?

"Clinton's aides ridicule reports that paint him as a yuppie hermit. But the
truth is that Clinton has become trapped in a kind of exile in Chappaqua, 40
miles from New York City. He lives in a not-quite-furnished house that
visitors say has a sparse supply of food and the kind of mismatched dishware
that a college freshman might have.  Clinton's only steady companions in
Chappaqua are his dog, Buddy, and a former White House valet who has helped
him learn modern skills he never needed to master before: getting cash from
an ATM, operating his PalmPilot, even putting a telephone call on hold."

- OpinionJournal.com, 3/14/01

It's the Spending, Stupid

"Meanwhile, back inside the Beltway, the latest fiscal gizmo has surfaced -
the so-called 'trigger.' Five 'moderate' Republican senators have joined
with six 'moderate' Democratic senators in proposing that tax cuts be halted
in any year the federal government fails to reach its debt-reduction target.
In other words, the more Congress fails to control spending, the more it
will be rewarded with tax windfalls.

"Mind you, this 'trigger' idea comes from members of a body that repeatedly
blew holes through numerous spending caps in recent years; that lacked the
guts to sequester spending when the Gramm-Rudman deficit targets were
repeatedly missed; and that failed utterly to deliver the 3-for-1 spending
cuts Congress promised Ronald Reagan in 1982 in exchange for a tax increase.
If these 'moderate' senators are so enamored with the idea of enforcing a
'trigger', let them do so on the spending side of the budget ledger."

- Washington Times editorial, 3/14/01

Willie Sutton Democrats

"Whenever the left wants to achieve a goal, it doesn't ask about morality or
rights.  It asks where the money is.  Are the elderly allegedly having
trouble paying for prescription drugs?  Let's club drug manufacturers over
the head and force them to lower their prices.  Workers feel they need more
money?  Let's jack up the minimum wage.  After all, employers have plenty of
money - so let's grab some of it."

- Columnist Robert Tracinski, Creators Syndicate

Lobbying For More Money With Your Money

"Thirty-one nonprofit groups that have united to oppose President Bush's
tax-cut plan are recipients of federal tax money, according to the Capital
Research Center.  'It is not surprising that these organizations would
oppose any cuts in one of their major sources of revenue - money collected
from American taxpayers,' said Capital Research Center President Terrence
Scanlon.  The groups are part of the 'Fair Taxes for All' coalition created
to oppose tax cuts."

- Greg Pierce's "Inside Politics," 3/14/01

See What Happens When You Appoint a Democrat

"In a stance potentially at odds with the Bush administration,
Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta said he opposes efforts to privatize
the air-traffic control system, pronouncing the idea dead on arrival on
Capitol Hill.  The administration is calling for studies of privatized
air-traffic control systems in other countries to weigh whether such a
system would reduce gridlock at the nation's airports. Labor leaders
vigorously oppose privatization, and have been eager to hear how Mr. Mineta,
the cabinet's lone Democrat, would deal with the issue."

- Wall Street Journal, 3/14/01

Hypocritical Democrats Begin Jumping Reform Ship

"John B. Breaux of Louisiana today became the first Senate Democrat to break
publicly with his party on the overhaul of campaign finance law
(McCain/Feingold). He said he would not support the leading bipartisan bill
to change the system unless it was significantly altered before a final vote
in the Senate. ... Until now, certain that Republicans would kill the bill
year after year in Senate filibusters, the Democrats stood united behind the
measure. But in the past year Democrats drew virtually even with the
Republicans in raising large soft money contributions, while continuing to
lag the Republicans in raising the smaller, regulated contributions known as
hard money."

- New York Times, 3/14/01

The Right Not to Have Your Feelings Hurt

"Anyone who still believes that free speech counts for something on our
campuses should take a look at the University of California-Berkeley.  The
Daily Californian, the student paper, ran an ad, 'Ten Reasons Why
Reparations for Slavery Is a Bad Idea-and Racist Too,' placed by the
conservative author David Horowitz.

"But the campus culture is committed to the notion that reparations are a
good idea.  Reparations Awareness Day had just been held. So Horowitz had to
be wrong. And people who are wrong hurt the feelings of people who are
right, so they should not be heard. Deeply offended by the airing of a
political position they did not agree with, angry leftists stormed the
offices of the student paper, thrashed about for a while, screaming and
weeping and trying to intimidate staff. Then they fanned out around the
campus to steal the remaining copies of the offending edition from their

- Columnist John Leo

Thought For the Day

"I am in shape.  Round is a shape."

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Published by:
C-Four Communications
Chuck Muth, Editor
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (702) 454-0350
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

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