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"In-Q-It" -- a Venture-Capital Scheme created for the CIA by the new #3 man in the 
CIA, "Buzzy" Krongard! 


Posted By: Q
Date: Wednesday, 21 March 2001, 2:02 p.m. 

  Mission Impossible meets Silicon Valley

  "The idea is for In-Q-It to fund promising technologies..." 

  "The idea for the venture-capital fund was hatched in conversations between the new 
CIA director, George Tenet, and a former investment banker named A. B. "Buzzy" 
Krongard, who joined the agency in February 1998 as counselor to the director. 
Krongard had been CEO of Alex Brown, the investment bank that helped launch Microsoft, 
Sun Microsystems, AOL and dozens of other high-tech IPOs." 

  "Tenet floated the venture-fund idea to his CIA colleagues in May 1998, referring to 
it simply as "The Enterprise." (Bill Clinton's CIA Director using Ollie North 
terminology? Could Bill have thought Tenet was a fox in the hen house? It's no wonder 
Bill asked Barak to kill him by targeting Arafat's office at the same hour Tenet was 
scheduled to meet Arafat. No wonder G.W. has kept him on. Are the lights starting to 
go on now? Do we have to draw you a picture?) 

  " "In" for intelligence; "It" for information technology, and "Q" in the middle 
because it was the code name for James Bond's technology wizard, and it just sounded 
cool." (Isn't it a wee bit of a coincidence that "THE Q" uses the same initial? YOU 
DON'T SUPPOSE....? Oh dear... is there a FOX in the Bush? No.. there is a FOX in 
Silicon Valley, and he is about to take what's left of the dot.coms home with him...to 
Mexico! Faction Three anyone?)" 


  (Okay -- two words!) 


  Never heard of it? Use the search engines on the Forum, the main page and/OR the two 
Yahoo archives. I saw it somewhere.. on one of the archive pages connected to this 

  And if you think this paltry story even comes close to telling you the truth -- 
think again. But those of you who have a nose will smell the coffee... but will you 
wake up? 


  The Washington Post 

  The CIA as Venture Capitalist 

  By David Ignatius 

  Wednesday, September 29, 1999; Page A29 

  If it were a Hollywood movie, the pitch would be: Mission Impossible meets Silicon 
Valley. But it's real life, and it's one of the oddest -- and most innovative -- 
things the Central Intelligence Agency has done in years. 

  The CIA has decided to create its own venture capital firm, called "In-Q-It," to 
help the agency connect better with the Internet revolution. The fear at Langley is 
that in a world of start-ups and instant millionaires, the CIA isn't getting 
technology's best and brightest anymore. So the spymasters have opted to create their 
own start-up, with plans for an office on Sand Hill Road in Palo Alto, where the 
leading venture capitalists hang out, and a $150 million kitty. 

  The idea is for In-Q-It to fund promising technologies that can help the CIA keep 
pace with the information explosion. It will be small, with a staff of 20 to 25 
people, and will operate much like a normal venture fund -- partnering with other 
companies and funds. In theory, its activities will be entirely unclassified. And 
though it will be a nonprofit organization, the goal is to invest wisely enough that 
after five years, it will be self-financing. 

  As examples of the kinds of problems In-Q-It will work on, agency officials cite the 
need for smarter CIA search engines, better ways to visualize data, and better 
security for CIA web surfers. But the broader goal is to link an agency that can't 
give stock options with the cleverest minds in the tech world. 

  The CIA plans to make a formal announcement of In-Q-It in a few weeks, but they've 
already chosen a board of directors -- including such tech luminaries as John Seely 
Brown of Xerox PARC, Jeong Kim of Lucent, Alex Mandl of Teligent and Norm Augustine of 
Lockheed Martin. And the board just hired the first CEO, an energetic 39-year-old 
named Gilman Louie. 

  Louie's background gives a sense of what an unusual operation this is likely to be. 
A fourth-generation Chinese American (and son of a World War II veteran of the Army 
Air Corps), he made his name creating video games, including the Falcon air-combat 
simulator, beloved by computer buffs around the world. He's a genuine Silicon Valley 
entrepreneur, who started his first company in his mother's garage in San Francisco 
when he was 22 and hangs out with other wealthy geeks. His favorite recent movie is 
"The Matrix," natch, which he has seen four times. 

  Louie appears to know relatively little about the CIA and its venerable traditions 
-- which is probably a plus. He decided to take the job (at what's likely to be a huge 
pay cut) because it was a way "of doing something for my country." 

  "I was amazed the the agency was willing to do this," says Louie. "It's very 'out of 
the box.' " 

  Out of the box, it is. CIA officials explain that In-Q-It evolved out of growing 
frustration that the agency was losing its once-vaunted technical edge, which helped 
create the U-2 spy plane, overhead satellite reconnaissance and dozens of other 
collection technologies. 

  The idea for the venture-capital fund was hatched in conversations between the new 
CIA director, George Tenet, and a former investment banker named A. B. "Buzzy" 
Krongard, who joined the agency in February 1998 as counselor to the director. 
Krongard had been CEO of Alex Brown, the investment bank that helped launch Microsoft, 
Sun Microsystems, AOL and dozens of other high-tech IPOs. 

  Tenet floated the venture-fund idea to his CIA colleagues in May 1998, referring to 
it simply as "The Enterprise." The project was turned over to a group that included an 
energetic young woman named Sue Gordon, a former Duke basketball player who was 
working in the agency's science and technology directorate. She began making the 
rounds in Silicon Valley to flesh out the idea and drum up support. Gordon also helped 
come up with the name: "In" for intelligence; "It" for information technology, and "Q" 
in the middle because it was the code name for James Bond's technology wizard, and it 
just sounded cool. 

  Within six months, Gordon and her colleagues had created a framework for the new 
organization -- a rate of speed that's typical for a Valley start-up, but almost 
unheard of in government. Her message to skeptical CIA colleagues was: "In order to 
move forward, you're going to have to let go" -- again, a sentiment rarely heard in 

  The In-Q-It team members know they'll face resistance from techies, for whom 
suspicion of the intelligence world is almost a cultural requisite. Indeed, Louie 
himself was lobbying the government a few years ago to abandon its efforts to control 
export of encryption software. 

  What the intelligence community didn't understand back then, says Louie, is that 
technology is moving too fast now for anyone to try to control it. Nowadays, a 
16-year-old can download encryption software from the Net that's so sophisticated it 
will confound codebreakers at the National Security Agency. 

  "The cat is already out of the bag," says Louie. The government's biggest job is 
just to keep up with the pace of change. The best thing about In-Q-It, to me, is that 
it's risky. The CIA and the rest of the government need to catch the entrepreneurial, 
risk-taking spirit that's driving the Silicon Valley technology revolution. 

  The CIA's new venture fund may fall flat, but so what. Washington has been a 
zero-defect culture for too long. If we want a CIA that performs better, we'll need to 
take more risks -- and give our government the freedom to fail. 

  © Copyright 1999 The Washington Post Company 


  Last Updated: September 29, 1999 
  Copyright © 1999 David Ignatius 

  Questions about the site, contact webmaster 

Messages In This Thread 

  Q -- Wednesday, 21 March 2001, 2:02 p.m. 
    tenavision -- Wednesday, 21 March 2001, 3:01 p.m. 

Rayelan Allan, Publisher

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