-Caveat Lector-


Second-graders face charges for paper gun

                  March 21, 2001
                  Web posted at: 5:07 PM EST (2207 GMT)

                  IRVINGTON, New Jersey (AP) -- Two
                  second-graders playing cops and robbers with a
                  paper gun were charged with making terrorist

                  The boys' parents said the situation should have
                  been resolved in the principal's office, but Police
                  Chief Steven Palamara on Wednesday defended
                  school officials and the district's zero-tolerance

                  "It may appear to some as though we went a little overboard
because it was a
                  paper gun, but what would those same people say if this incident
was ignored
                  and in a day, week or month the same student came to school
with a firearm?"
                  Palamara asked.

                  Authorities said that 8-year-old Hamadi Alston stood up at
his desk at Augusta
                  Street School last Thursday, pointed paper folded to look like
a gun at his
                  classmates and said, "I'm going to kill you all."

                  Hamadi said he was imitating what his friend, Jaquill Shelton,
had done earlier
                  that day.

                  The police chief said Jaquill had given Hamadi the paper gun
in the bathroom.

                  The two boys were suspended and, under the district's zero-tolerance
                  school officials notified police, who charged the boys.

                  "Although the paper handgun posed no immediate threat to the
students in the
                  class, the words spoken certainly and appropriately were recognized
by school
                  officials and police as warning signs to cause concern," Palamara

                  The court can now determine whether either boy needs counseling
or just a stern
                  warning, he said.

                  The parents, as well as the Essex County prosecutor's office,
were involved
                  immediately, he said.

                  The prosecutor's office did not immediately return a message
seeking comment
                  on Wednesday.

                  "This is just stupid, stupid, stupid," Ron Alston, Hamadi's
father, told The
                  Star-Ledger of Newark. "How can you take two boys to the police
precinct over
                  a paper gun? This is very bad judgment."

                  Superintendent Ernest Smith said he believes the boys meant
no harm, but
                  district policy requires that police be notified of such incidents.

                  "I thought this was unfortunate," Smith said. "But, being that
kids are being shot
                  in schools across the country, children have to be taught they
can't say certain
                  words in public."

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