-Caveat Lector-

Watching garbage movies is not exactly my favorite way to pass my time;
movie are getting so lewd and crude and obscene, but they made it from
the bedrooms now to the bathroom and latest trend also is vomitting and
men like Alec Baldwin and Bruce Wllis learning to cry in prime time....

Now another shooting at a school....and tonight this Christian Slater
looking very old for such a yong age - almost like end of mispent life -
was on TV....all I could remember about this jerk was he played the kid
with the black trench coat who murdered Heathrs - popular kids - with
Wynona Ryder.....who by the way, as I recall i this movie also tried to
hang herself......so these kids killed their little classmates and
wanted to blow up the school....cults have been built about this movie
and now they plan in Hollywood to do Heathers II......notice even Arnold
Schwartnegger the Austrian guy with no shoulders and dinosaur brain -
this guy played Kindergarten Kop and introduced shooting into little
kids schoools for entertainment.

So do not watch much TV anymore - even Disney Channel is getting
contaminated with fruit cakes......

Now we know the only way to hurt these people is through their
pocketbooks.......now these people are protected it is said under the
Consttution of he United States and I am beginning to wonder about that
paper - Article I, Sectioni 8 is to do in part with Arts and
Sciences....and I thought of the picture of the Black Madonna done in
elephant dung, and called art.....and then I thought of Hollywood, the
biggest piece of dung in the Universe......and their somewhat face it,
trashy movie stars - crude, lewd, pretending to be "stars" - engaged in
mutual admiration societies, covering up like Clinton, their murders and
crimes and setting such beautiful role models for our children.

WHY NOT BOYCOTT THIS PIECE of GARBAGE called Oscar Night where these
pepole heap upon themselves Oscars and wonderful words while some of
these people with all their money, face it - are just plain white and
black trash one step from hell.

Today people hurt in scaffolding which fell - probably a bunch of
underpaid workers who buid the big seats, etc., to set this heap of
garbage on high?

Have you see some of this stuff on TV lately; I had to have the HBO
taken out I was ashamed to have it in my home.

SO BOYCOTT OSCAR........the sodomists have even taken MIckey Mouse away
from our children and attempt to put Rosie O'Donnell into Sesame
Street.....by the way, anybody know how Rosie broke her hand?   I keep
thinking of her accident prone two year old who lost her front teeth in
accident, and blasted her own nose which was bloodied...while that old
bat sits on TV like a pig with apple in mouth and ring in nose.

All now said, I hope that Oscar Show is a disaster;  imagine Liz Taylor
will be there with two security guards holding her up - Dame Liz
Taylor....another paragon of virtue to be set up on high, but still pigs
at trough only we pay through the nose?

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