Theft of the Presidency: Day 132

Just days before the Miami Herald is expected to announce the results of its
state-wide recount of ALL undervotes, right wing legal attack group Judicial
Watch is trying to sabotage that effort by announcing its own distorted
results from a PARTIAL recount. According to Judicial Watch, there are 62,205
undervotes statewide. JW counted 42,724 of them, and concluded that Bush -
not Gore - would have gained between 107 and 116 votes, depending on the
precise standard used. So far, no problem. But then they make this completely
fraudulent claim: "a statewide recount of the Florida undervotes would not
have changed the outcome of the presidential election." has
kept a running tally of media recounts at since Katherine
Harris certified Bush as the winner by only 537 votes. As of March 10, Gore
had gained 1,773 votes, giving him a lead of 1,236. Using Judicial Watch's
higher number of 116, Gore STILL leads by 1,120 votes. By claiming Bush won,
Judicial Watch is committing "recount malpractice." Before we declare this
election over, let's wait for the recount of ALL 62,000 undervotes. That's
what the Florida Supreme Court ordered in November, and that's what should
have decided the winner. Unfortunately for America, a narrow partisan
majority of the U.S. Supreme Court conspired with George W. Bush to steal the
Presidency - regardless of the will of the voters. If the recounts prove that
Gore got more votes, we will work tirelessly to remove George W. Bush, his
fellow Republicans, and the Felonious Five from office.

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