-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Q: Recently I spoke with Bob Schulz from "We the People" and Larry Becraft
from "The Wallace Institute." I’ve had Bill Benson on to discuss the
non-ratification of the 16th Amendment. At some point can you ever see
Congress addressing the questions raised by these men and others about the
ratification of the 16th Amendment?

A: No way! It’s not going to happen. Even if you had 110% proof that was
absolutely correct and that that was never ratified it would be so
devastating to the establishment -- how else can they run the government
without your money? I mean they need your money. It’s like saying you expect
the Congress in the next six months to systematically reduce their spending
by ten percent? If we could trust them if they said they’ll reduce their
spending, then maybe you’d think they’ll reduce taxes and do something. But
they need your money. This is the reason why our privacy is disappearing --
whether it’s our financial privacy or whatever. They want to know where your
money is and what you’re doing.

Q: Hold on. For a long time there has been complicity between the mainstream
media and government. They have pretty much controlled what kind of
information the unwashed masses were being fed. However, now with this
information revolution of the symbiotic relationship between the Internet and
jokers like me on talk-radio, it’s like the vacuum that had been created by
the mainstream is being filled. People are finding this information they had
been denied. As more and more people find out -- hey, the 16th Amendment
wasn't properly ratified, the Federal Reserve isn't federal and it isn’t
reserve, it’s a private scam, fiat money ain’t gonna work, it’s designed to
fail -- as more and more people get exposed to this, how long can Congress
stall before they are compelled to address it?

A: And you just stated why we should be optimists in the long run. I compare
it to being in Washington in the '70s when it was very difficult to organize
and reach people -- now, talk shows, radio, Internet -- it’s just amazing
what we can do. But I still argue that, even with our numbers growing
tremendously, we’re not on the verge of seeing a Congress do the things you
are asking because there is so much more power and influence on the side of
these spending programs. They may want less taxes but they do want these

But our numbers are very important. We have to keep growing our numbers and
they understand this. Because soon, the tax revolt will grow -- it is growing
-- it is very big. It is bigger than most people realize. There are some who
do it with a lot of noise and there are a lot who are doing it very quietly.
So there is a major revolt going on.

Then, when the financial collapse comes -- which I suspect we will get --
this government is going to have to admit to some of these problems. There
will be a tough tug-of-war between those who say we need more government
versus our numbers, which are growing, and saying, "We’re going to chuck it.
We’re not going to participate." We’re going to demand that we live within
the Constitution. That is not going to be graceful -- it’s not going to be
smooth -- it’s not going to be through attrition in Congress because those
who get to Congress are basically the ones who are there now. And they’re
going to say, "Ah ha! We have to keep this together for the good of the
people. We have to make sure nobody misses their check."

Q: What if ten or twenty years from now there is such outrage and so much
information has been disseminated to the people that they finally get it and
say, "Hey, you guys aren’t representing the U.S. You’re representing your
special interests and feathering your own nests. We’re going to throw your
fat butts out!"

A: Hey I work on the assumption that that is possible or I wouldn’t be a
political activist. And I am encouraged that I can go and vote the way I do
and come back to my district. I have a district that has 22 counties --
mostly farming. I don’t vote for farm subsidies and I explain my position and
they listen to me and they still vote for me. So there is reason to believe
it can happen, but it’s not going to be soon and it’s not going to be easy.
I would think the tax revolt and the financial collapse is going to bring it
to an end a lot sooner than transition in the Congress. But we should work
for education and understanding and we should work to change the Congress and
then we should be prepared for the rest.

Q: I’ve been telling people for ten years: "Don’t do anything stupid. Work
within the system. Change the system. Fix what’s broken. Don’t do anything
precipitous." Are you telling me I’m wrong?

A: No I’m saying that’s what I do -- and that’s what we should do -- but we
ought to be prepared for the other. I don’t know what the future will bring.
Maybe all of a sudden the Congress will reflect our views a lot better than I
think they are going to.

Q: Yeah and maybe the sun will come up in the west in the morning?

A: They have to cut spending. When they get in these tax arguments about
whether it’s a legal tax or an illegal tax -- to me it’s irrelevant. Should
we have a sales tax or an income tax? I hate the income tax -- I’ll do
anything to get rid of the IRS. That’s not really the point.

Q: What is the point?

A: That’s the symptom of the disease. The disease is that we’ve allowed our
government to get so big and we’ve established a nanny-state and a
warfare-state and we’ve allowed our Congress to give up all their
responsibilities to our courts and to the president. So that’s where the
problem is. The IRS and the income tax is the symptom of the problem. We have
to deal with the big picture as well.

Q: The inevitable and ubiquitous question I hear all the time is: "What can
we as citizens do to fix what is broken?"

A: We all have a responsibility. I have a responsibility to introduce the
proper legislation and then I have a responsibility to try to get others to
understand what it is and support it. In the case of the International
Criminal Court if I can get co-sponsors it would help.

That means anybody reading this should call their congressman and raise Cain
with them to support my resolution…which is HconRes 23 that would be very
helpful. If they call up The Liberty Committee website, they can find a
resolution, they can sign and it will be sent to the president and we can let
the president know where we stand and we don’t want him to have this
ratified. We want him to announce to the world that this treaty should not be
accepted. We have a responsibility to educate ourselves to what is going on
and then become politically active.



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