-Caveat Lector-

My thoughts when I was in England last year, while driving along the
motorways, was that wiping out all the farms in England where beef was
raised for food would free up a great amount of land that someone wanted to
use for something else.  It could be a form of gentrification to force the
farmers out of the industry.  Also while we were there we saw a television
program about how farmers were being approached by Canadians who were trying
to talk them into emigrating from England to Canada.  It would be
interesting to see who acquired the land of the farmers who did emigrate.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 9:10 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi nerve gas tests on our men

This mad cow disease etc., somehow this MI5 cannot be trusted anymore,
in particular, under Tony Blair.

Could some of the cattle have been given bad vaccines?   Time to
vaccinate is before the fact, not during....from mad cow to hoof and
mouth - pigs and cattle slaughtered - and now a huge number, largest in
history of Britain it is allleged, will be burned in one heap like a
Nazi war camp?

McDonalds is under fire for there is international effort to run them
out of business...genetically engineered food - Prince Charles came out
against this stuff long ago, and still is now in agreement....

Then this article re the mustard gas and other gases the English stored
after WWII......this sarin gas (??) was looked in the Japanese subway
the day a member of their Doomsday Cult was sentenced in prison....

Conspiracy  - death of cattle and cows will affect the dairy industry as
well - cheese, milk, ice cream and butter.....anything that is not
genetically engineered is to be terminated>

Some of the symptoms of the sick cattle have been blistering - and one
wonders if there is not some type of chemical warfare involved here?
Are they going to blame that on Osama bin Laden; and where did Sadan
Hussein get all the mustard gas which is old hat ????  Could the English
have sold it to him?

This is all ritual murder - and of course the idea is to blame the arabs
for acts of terrorism; but then, I remember the USS Liberty.....


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   9 November, 2000

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Nazi nerve gas tests on our men

British scientists used nerve gas plundered from the Nazis to poison
their own servicemen during secret tests at Porton Down research base,
it emerged yesterday.

They carried out chilling experiments with vast quantities of deadly
agents recovered from Germany in 1945. Hitler's forces had developed
sarin, tabun and mustard gas to test on concentration camp victims.

Allied forces found stockpiles of the chemicals which were shipped to
Britain and used on more than 3,000 volunteer soldiers, sailors and
airmen at the controversial base in Wiltshire to test their impact on
humans.Details of the Nazi link came in a new book entitled Gassed
yesterday after the Daily Express revealed MoD scientists face charges
over the scandal.

© Express Newspapers, 2000

saba note:   Well what about the anthrax vaccines where our men have
been experimental subjects at the ORDER  of Clinton?    Gulf War
Syndrome - where did Sadaam get that old obsolete mustard gas?

How deep has MI6 infiltrated into US intelligence under Clinton - old
line did not like what was going on in this country - and old line CIA
was in deep water as well......under Clinton the KGB/Mossad did more
sabotage to this country than we will ever know - Clinton should be
tried for treason.

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