by Al Martin
Last Weekend's Luncheon Menu at the Redstone Arsenal: Finger Sandwiches,
Fresh Paranoia Salad with Shredded Document Bits, And a Bowl of Cover Your
Ass Soup a/k/a "The Oliver North Blue Plate Special"
They don't always have top quality food at the weekly meetings at
Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. It all depends on who is supposedly
paying for it. Of course, ultimately it's the taxpayer.
Ostensibly the food is bought by different defense contractors or
weapons dealers, just like corporate sponsorships. The crowd is usually about
150 or 175. This week, however, when the Friendly Colonel walked in, the
increased paranoia was palpable.
The dining room, where the lunch is held, can accommodate a lot of
people. Then there's the conference room, where now you have to show
credentials when you walk in. They've been tightening security so everyone
including the FBI is nervous about leaks to the media and congressional
When you walk in, the liquor is flowing, free liquor, top shelf liquor,
as much as you want. After the gathered crowd was finished with their finger
sandwiches and six double martinis, they announced over the loudspeakers that
they were going to tighten security.
From now on, it was announced that credentials and proper names, that
is correct names, would be required to get into the conference room.
Immediately half of the guys ran for the front door to get out of the place -
including people with regular US military US uniforms.
The announcement was made by what they call "The Association," a group
of defense contractors and weapons dealers. When they said you had to show
your ID and actually use your real name, there was a line for the door to get
out of the place.
According to an inside source, the paranoia at the FBI is increasing
every week as exhibited by this new mandate for polygraph tests. There has
been an enormous rise in the retirement of the older guys, but Louis Freeh is
happy about it even though it makes the FBI short of personnel. The Bureau
had become very top-heavy with old timers.
Guys over 50 years of age are not sticking around for their pensions
any more. The real reason the old timers stay is for the access and the cover
it gives them in being an FBI agent in order to get involved in illicit
deals. Imagine full time moonlighting. These FBI guys go where they tell them
to go, but they don't do any real work anymore or exert themselves. They do
just enough work to fill out the paperwork, and that's it.
The only reason a lot of the older guys stick around is for the deals.
To be an FBI agent allows you to be involved in a lot of bogus deals and it
gives you priority to protect your offshore accounts and assets you've
illegally garnered over the years.
The Friendly Colonel ended up talking with an air force colonel who
showed up in uniform, even though he was in his 70s and was stuffed into the
uniform. When they announced you had to use your real name and credentials,
the colonel ran out the front door.
Since the FBI had grown top-heavy with all the old-timers, the Bureau
was frankly happy to weed out a lot of them. It's the real impetus in the
Bureau for this paranoia. A lot of guys have left all of a sudden, and the
younger guys are being fast tracked in their careers. When these younger
guys, who understand that there is corruption in the Bureau but really don't
have a handle on it, when they get promoted to a certain level, suddenly they
join "The Club." One of the senior guys will approach them and tell them that
"now you're at the level where you ought to understand what the Bureau is all
about" and they're invited into the Seniors' Club of Corruption.
When the younger guys get pushed up the ladder, where they'll find out
anyway what's going on, they simply get invited in. If not - what happens is
they want in and they'll raise hell about it. A lot of the older guys are so
paranoid and so suspicious, they're concerned that some of the younger guys
who want in to the Club are actually acting as plants for the Bureau. And
that's been part of the problem. Since the paranoia level is so high, they
would assume that. The Bureau has always worked on this principle. When the
middle level guys got to a certain point, they would get invited into the
The first thing a senior agent might do is to give the younger agent a
booklet on how to establish offshore corporations and how to hide money
offshore. That's the code they use or the introduction, the initiation, so to
speak. And you can tell right away that there are a few naive types who don't
want in to the Club. They want to just stick to the rules and work their
thirty years and retire, and they don't want anything to do with it.
If the agent indicated he didn't want it, it was a clear signal.
Sometimes the agent would be so stupid he would ask, "Well, what am I
supposed to do with this on a government salary?" The response would be just
to laugh and say, "Well, I've got a feeling you might need it."
Regarding the 51 Russians who were kicked out of the country… All
Russian so-called "diplomats" have someone assigned to them from the State
Department Security or from the Special Security Division of the FBI. They
assign liaison officers to each one of the Russians and the Russian do the
The names of these 51 were not pulled out of a hat. Why do you think
the names of the expelled diplomats were not released? The FBI's Counter
Intelligence unit had been running a separate investigation, as a covert
operation investigating allegations that the State Department's agents were
very, very chummy with the Russians they were assigned to liaise with. This
is the State Department's Internal Security Division.
The FBI Counter Intelligence had found in its investigation that the 51
Russian "diplomats"/intelligence agents were in business with the State
Department agents.
They found offshore accounts with both State Department and Russian
guys' names on them. They found offshore corporations involved in weapons
trafficking and the movement of sensitive materials, information, and the old
plutonium scams. They had found that some of them had been involved together
in illicit scams since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The reason the 51 Russians got expelled is that the White House was
concerned that some of this might leak out. If you get rid of them, there's
less of a chance that any of this would leak out to the media -- the
relationship between these Russian diplomats and the State Department people.
The White House was not concerned about the "coziness" of the situation. The
investigation went all the way up and found connections as high as - once
more - Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage.
The Armitage-Carlucci Cabal is back.
Their scams and surreptitious involvement with the Russians haven't
ended since the 1980s. There are all sorts of deals involving the movement of
plutonium and weapons and illicit oil transactions. It's never stopped.
What the Bush Administration is concerned about is that they can't
isolate this incident. They can always say that this was just 50 guys in the
State Department who became corrupt. The Bush Administration is operating on
the cascade effect. They're always concerned about it, since it is a Bush in
the White House and Bush is so heavily connected to all this corruption from
the past, both Bush Senior and Bush Jr.
In other words, the Bush Family is so heavily connected and is so
interwoven with this systemic fraud, they're concerned about a cascade effect
within the public. They don't mind if one incident comes out that they can
point to it as an isolated incident. What they're concerned about is the
public beginning to understand the Level of Corruption That Exists Within All
Agencies of Government and the intricate connection the Bush Family has had
to this fraud over the decades.
Any incident of fraud or corruption must be perceived by the public as
"An Isolated Incident." This is what these contingency programs were all
about, developed by Oliver North and the National Programs Office (as
described in "The Conspirators"). It's the reason why the Reagan Bush
Administration reactivated the CILF Program, Civilian Inmate Labor Facility
program. That's why they had an active plan to launch a coup d'etat against
themselves, ostensibly done by people not under their control, in other
words, to take control directly - if it became necessary.
The military would have carried it out - but under Bush auspices. They
would make it appear to be a coup d'etat, when in fact it wasn't. It was just
an excuse to take control - if this cascade effect became apparent to the
The Ongoing Absurdity of the Hanssen Saga…
The government continues to milk the Hanssen deal. They keep connecting
everything to Hanssen.
According to an inside source, Hanssen has in fact not revealed any
information whatsoever. Yet the government keeps telling the media that he
has, and all of a sudden there are all these mysterious links to Hanssen, in
which the media infers that it has something to do with Hanssen. Why? Because
this is the line that's coming out of the White House.
Hanssen is being used as a scapegoat, such as never before. A/ They
don't have a provable case against him. B/ He hasn't made any admissions. C/
The government keeps referring to his Russian handlers, but the government
doesn't even know who his Russian handlers are, yet they keep intimating that
his Russian handlers are cooperating with the FBI. The government doesn't
even know who these handlers are because they didn't wait for them to show up.
A week after Hanssen was arrested, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, all the news
services reported that the government has told Hanssen, "You either talk or
it's the death penalty. In the ensuing weeks, everything that has come out
has been related to Hanssen. Hanssen gave us the information. Hanssen gave us
this. Hanssen gave us that. Hanssen has been cooperating. And now the
government says they're going to give Hanssen the death penalty. Doesn't
anyone see through this?
Frankly Hanssen will eventually become a liability because when you lay
so much nonsense on a guy's doorstep where it doesn't belong, all you need is
for one piece of it to unravel and suddenly it casts aspersions on everything
else at his doorstep. And if Hanssen is ever in a position to refute
anything, there will be one hell of a problem.
Had they really been investigating this guy for 18 months, as they said
they had, why is it that after he got arrested, they didn't bother to track
down his money or his extraordinary financial transactions? Why didn't they
do it beforehand?
If they had been tracking him for 18 months, he would have made
numerous dead drops, and they obviously would have had his Russian handlers
Why is it that they didn't even know who his Russian handlers were when
Hanssen was arrested?
You have to realize the absurd chronology and how the media is being
sucked into this for fear of being punished by losing their media access to
various government agencies.
We've been told that there's a sealed 100-page indictment. They say
they've mounted an enormous investigation of Hanssen over the past 18 months,
committing over 50 agents to and huge resources to the case.
And yet when they arrested this guy, they didn't know who his Russian
handlers were. They hadn't searched any of his financial records yet. They
hadn't even searched his house yet, and they hadn't even questioned him yet.
They had no tangible video or photo evidence of him making a dead drop. The
whole thing is absurd.
Mainstreams media and the major networks in fact should be referred to
as "Government Media." The media simply reports everything the government
tells them to report without any independent investigation.
Unlike Pravda, whose job was to report what the State said, in our
nation, it's not supposed to be the media's job simply to report. It's
supposed to be the media's job to investigate what the State says - the
veracity of the State's pronouncements. Yet the media refuses to do so -- out
of fear of losing its access to government.
When 60 Minutes producer Don Hewitt suggested that the networks pool
their resources, it's a de facto admission that the days of investigative
journalism in the United States are over. Now we are in an era of Corporate
and Commercial Journalism, wherein the networks don't want to spend the
money. The media has ceased to be the Fifth Estate as billed and now they are
just another corporation.
And this guy Hanssen? They're going to reward him.
The Association of Senior Retired Agents will recommend that the CIA
give Hanssen the "Special Scapegoat Medal of Honor."