-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Was America Hunting for a New Killer Submarine?
04 April 2001

The loss of the EP-3E aircraft means the demise of some of the United States’ 
capabilities to eavesdrop along China’s coastline. It also could eventually 
spell more trouble for relations between the two countries. 

Both observations beg the question: What was a U.S. spy plane doing down 
there in the first place? True, missions are flown routinely along the China 
coast. But a series of incidents, stretching back several years, indicate the 
United States has been hunting for signs of a breakthrough in Chinese 
submarine technology – one that poses a serious threat to America’s most 
powerful conventional weapon: the aircraft carrier. 

There has been a rash of arrests of Western defense attaches in China.  And 
recently a U.S. vessel was chased from an exercise area. Both actions suggest 
China is close to a breakthrough in its long-stalled efforts to build an 
effective submarine threat. Sources in China confirm the Chinese military 
reaction to the EP-3E incident was sharp because the military is trying to 
safeguard its submarine secrets. 

There are two vessels at issue. The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) 
placed a new version of the Russian-designed Kilo-class submarine into 
service April 4, 2000, according to a brief report in the Hong Kong-based 
Sing Tao Jih Pao. The new Kilo is equipped with anti-ship weapons and has 
conducted recent drills simulating combat with carrier-type warships, 
according to the paper, which cited sources in the People’s Liberation Army. 
It takes up to a year to qualify a new vessel and crew for duty at sea. 

But the Chinese navy may have made a more significant breakthrough. It has 
been working for years on a variant of the larger, more powerful Victor III 
submarine. This submarine, known in China as a Type 093 and due for 
completion sometime in late 2000, was designed to launch cruise missiles 
while submerged. That would allow the Chinese to threaten the pre-eminent 
American weapons system in the region: the aircraft carrier. 

  A Russian-designed Kilo-class submarine.  

The flight of the EP-3E along China’s coastline suggests it was monitoring 
transmissions of navy vessels and coastal installations. The aircraft may 
have been looking for signs of either of these two submarines as well. 

It appears the U.S. Navy was taking an intense interest in a recent exercise 
far to the north in the Yellow Sea – not far from the port where the new boat 
has been under construction. That’s where the U.S. vessel was chased away. 

It is an unusual coincidence that the damaged American EP-3E made an 
emergency landing on Hainan Island. The island lies at the epicenter of 
China’s efforts to extend its naval force far beyond its coastline. By doing 
so, it can interdict the sea lanes that bring oil to Northeast Asia. The 
Chinese also could put an end to their worst nightmare, realized in 1996, 
when American carriers were just off the Chinese coast. 

To the north of the island is the headquarters of the South Sea Fleet at 
Zhanjiang. Zhanjiang is a likely target for collecting Chinese signals from 
telephone calls and other transmissions because it controls operations into 
the hotly contested Spratly Islands. Two submarine flotillas operate out of 
the South Sea Fleet, according to a recent version of Jane’s Security 
Assessment. Hainan hosts a naval base at the northern port of Haikou. 

It appears likely the new Kilos not only have entered service but also may 
have been certified to take part in deep-water operations, ostensibly against 
American carriers in the case of war. 

The U.S. Defense Department estimated last year that the Kilos will be 
adapted to use Russian technology in quieting and sonar, as well as weapons 
systems. In a 2000 report, the department estimated China “is expected to 
begin arming some of its submarines with submerged launch cruise missiles.” 
The Chinese navy is also emphasizing its own anti-submarine operations, 
emphasizing training. 

“As a result, China’s submarine fleet could constitute a substantial force 
capable of controlling sea lanes and mining approaches around Taiwan,” the 
U.S. military report concluded, “as well as a growing threat to submarines in 
the East and South China Seas.” 

Operations in the South China Sea are the key for China to break out of its 
largely defensive naval posture. From the South China Sea, the Chinese can 
intercept an opposing force – far away from the mainland. Such a force can 
harass shipping, particularly ships carrying petroleum, to Japan and South 

The Chinese military appears to feel the United States, keenly interested in 
the submarine program, is moving to counter this threat by bringing its own 
weapons closer to the coast.


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