-Caveat Lector-

4. Did the U.S. deliberately bomb the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade?

On May 7, 1999, U.S. planes bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade.
President Clinton called the bombing "a tragic mistake," the result of
faulty maps provided by U.S. intelligence services.

That was good enough for the American media, but it wasn't good enough for
their overseas counterparts. Working together, reporters from the London
Observer and Copenhagen's Politiken found U.S. and NATO government and
military sources who told a different story. One official at the National
Imagery and Mapping Agency, perhaps piqued at the assertion that his agency
had botched its job, called the faulty-map story "a damned lie."

In fact, according to these high-ranking sources, NATO deliberately targeted
the Chinese Embassy, which was serving as a rebroadcast station for the
Yugoslav army.

After the Observer broke the story, the Associated Press wire service picked
it up, but few major papers ran it. The Washington Post gave it 90 words in
an international news briefs section, under the headline, "NATO Denies Story
on Embassy Bombing." The New York Times didn't mention it at all. When the
press watchdog group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting asked the Times why
it ignored the story, the paper's foreign editor described the Observer's
piece as "not terribly well-sourced, by our standards at least."

"It sounds like the Times might be holding out for a named official source,"
FAIR's Seth Ackerman told In These Times, "which is a standard of evidence
that the Times likes to apply in cases where they would rather not report
the story at all."

Seth Ackerman, In These Times, 6/26/00; Joel Bleifuss, In These Times,
12/12/99; Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting staff report, 2/9/00; Yoichi
Shimatsu, Pacific News Service, 10/20/99.

Foreign coverage: the Observer (U.K.), Politiken (Denmark), Glasgow Herald
(Scotland), the Scotsman (Scotland), South China Morning Post, the Times

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