-Caveat Lector-

By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

America Online, the nation's leading Internet service provider, has lifted
its blackout of a popular e-mail-based conservative journal after weeks of
denying AOL subscribers delivery.

Mark Alexander, editor of The Federalist, a weekly e-journal of conservative
thought, said Tuesday in a statement that the publication's technical
supervisor was contacted by officials from AOL's technical support

"AOL admitted that they had, indeed, blocked The Federalist's IP -- which
explains why some 20,000 subscribers using AOL and their affiliates,
Compuserve and Gateway, have not received the publication for weeks,"
Alexander said.

Alexander said AOL did not provide an explanation as to why it began
blocking delivery of the e-journal, but the statement said the popular ISP
assured staffers "it would not happen again."

Nevertheless, Federalist editors and staff believe they know why AOL blocked
delivery. They suspect it was due to criticism published in The Federalist
of recent anti-Christian comments made by CNN founder Ted Turner.

"Suffice it to say that the blackout occurred after The Federalist published
the latest Christian-bashing comments from AOL Time Warner executive Ted
Turner," said the statement.

"On March 9, 2001, in Federalist #01-10, the publication quoted Turner's
comment to a group of CNN personnel observing Ash Wednesday with an ash mark
on their foreheads: 'What are you, a bunch of Jesus freaks?' Turner
admonished. 'You ought to be working for Fox,'" said the statement.

The blockage of the e-journal to AOL subscribers began the following week,
officials said.

"We applaud the efforts of thousands of our loyal readers on AOL. Without
our knowledge, there was quite a protest brewing, and that protest has
produced favorable results! For now, at least, the matter is resolved,"
Alexander said.

The e-journal, which is compiled each week by an anonymous national
editorial board, boasts "a wide spectrum of reliable information from
reputable research, advocacy and media organizations."

"Its content is carefully selected to provide constitutional conservatives
with a brief, informative and entertaining survey and analysis of the week's
most significant news, policy and opinion," said information posted at the
e-journal's website.

The e-journal is free to subscribers and is sent out twice per week -- on
Tuesdays as a "Federalist Brief" and a full edition every Friday.

Alexander said editors do not give out or sell subscriber names and e-mail


Jon E. Dougherty is a staff reporter and columnist for WorldNetDaily, and
author of the special report, "Election 2000: How the Military Vote Was

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