-Caveat Lector-

April 17, 2001

Cattle Disease Poses Threat to Run Wild, U.S. Finds



WASHINGTON, April 16 - The first comprehensive exercise about how the
nation would contain foot- and-mouth disease showed that an outbreak could
be stopped only with the combined strength of all
federal disaster agencies, including the military, Agriculture Department
officials have said.
After decades of relying largely on state and local governments to help
contain animal diseases, the Department of Agriculture asked the Federal
Emergency Management Agency to develop a plan to combat this one as
forcefully as if it threatened human lives, said Clifford Oliver, director
of the Agriculture Department's office of crisis planning.
"We were coming to the realization that state and local government would be
overwhelmed and the U.S.D.A. would be overwhelmed if foot-and-mouth broke
out," Mr. Oliver said.
With Britain, one of the most advanced agricultural nations, enduring an
epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease and British troops belatedly called in
for mass burials of hundreds of thousands of slaughtered animals, American
farmers and ranchers began lobbying their state agriculture chiefs for
better planning. Those officials recently urged Agriculture Secretary Ann
M. Veneman to find out what the rest of the government could do to contain
an outbreak.
The federal Catastrophic Disaster Response Group, which normally worries
about bioterrorism or industrial disasters, organized the tabletop exercise
for the Agriculture Department on Wednesday, bringing together
representatives of 26 agencies, including the Departments of Defense,
Commerce, Interior, Energy and Health and Human Services, Mr. Oliver said.
The exercise confirmed fears that without the entire government working to
contain it, the disease would spread like wildfire if it ever reached this
"They made it very very clear in the first 15 minutes of the exercise that
the possibility of the spread of foot-and-mouth disease is very real and we
need to be better prepared," said a participant who would not allow his
name to be used.
Mr. Oliver said, "For the first time we asked this group to look at a
biological event that doesn't affect humans, only animals."
The situation was played out like a military war game, with agency
representatives acting out how they would react if foot-and-mouth broke out
in Iowa. Participants said that the computer-generated model could not be
controlled and that the disease spread to three states within 60 days,
requiring 50,000 people to contain it.
The virus that causes the disease could pass through the intestines of
birds feeding on the carcasses of dead animals. When those birds fly to
adjoining farms, they could spread the disease through their feces, far
ahead of containment efforts, the exercise showed.
With the explosion of world trade making the spread of the disease to this
country more likely and with the routine movement of animals around the
nation making the containment more difficult, several participants said the
exercise showed how an outbreak here could quickly become a national emergency.
"You would see the National Guard called out to kill thousands of animals
in the first days and deployed to control traffic and keep thousands of
people out of the area," another participant said.
A representative from the United States Geological Survey was especially
troubled by questions about how wildlife like deer, bison and wild pigs
would be treated if they roamed near the infected areas.
"If the disease infected a herd of white tail deer in the state of
Virginia, would they be slaughtered, too?" the representative asked.

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