-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/22/01 9:46:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< jesus was a radical god because he was a forgiving god. he showed this by

associating closely with taxmen and prostitutes and he defended it too. >>

Just because Jesus was a radical God (He was attempting to reform the Jewish
regilion) and he associated with Taxman and Prostitutes does not mean that he
approved of Homosexually. I see no proof of that.

Sodomy is sodomy, period. The only ones over here who think that sodomy is OK
are the homosexuals and the liberals. The rest of the population knows that
it is wrong. I don't know about the customs regarding sodomy in your country,
but I have heard stories about what happens to young boys in your public

And is a lesbian the same as a sodomite? My limited medical knowledge tells
me that a lesbian is incapable of performing sodomy by herself. She needs an
artificial device to perform the act.

Bill H

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