-Caveat Lector-

>From MAN ON THE GRASSY KNOLL, by John R. Craig and Philip A. Rogers:

"The Southwest Freeway was then under construction about a mile south of
Cherryhurst, and various establishments were springing up along its path.
One such place he found to his liking when it opened in 1959 was Winterland,
an ice-skating rink one block north of the new freeway and just to the west
of Shepherd Drive, at 2400 Norfolk, about a mile and a half from the Rogers

The above excerpt refers to a man named Charles Rogers, a man who grew up in
Houston, worked for Shell Oil, flew his own plane, and allegedly worked for
the CIA.  He was last seen shortly before his parents, in whose house he
lived, were found butchered and stuffed in the refrigerator at 1815
Driscoll, a short distance from 2400 Norfolk.

THE  PROBE REFOCUSED ON on Ferrie, and on December 15 he was brought  in
for further questioning.  Asked pertinent details of the whirlwind Texas
trip  in 1963, he begged lack of memory and referred his questioners  to
the  FBI.  What about the goose hunting?  "We did in fact get  to  where
the  geese  were  and there were thousands,"  he  recounted.   "But  you
couldn't approach them.  They were a wise bunch of birds."  Pressed  for
details  of  what took place at the ice rink, Ferrie  became  irritated.
"Ice skate -- what do you think?"  he snapped.

It  didn't  take  the DA's men long to poke  holes  in  Ferrie's  story.
Melvin  Coffey,  one of his companions on the 1963 Texas  trip,  deposed
that it was not a sudden inspiration:

     Q:  The trip was arranged before?
     A:  Yes.
     Q:  How long before?
     A:  A couple of days.

The probers also determined that no one had taken along any shotguns  on
the "goose-hunting" trip.

In  Houston, the ice skating alibi was similarly discredited.  In  1963,
the  FBI  had interviewed Chuck Rolland, proprietor  of  the  Winterland
Skating Rink.  "FERRIE contacted him by telephone November 22, 1963, and
asked  for  the  skating  schedule," a Bureau report,  one  of  the  few
unclassified  documents on Ferrie, reveals.  "Mr. FERRIE stated that  he
was  coming in from out of town and desired to do some skating while  in
Houston.  On November 23, 1963, between 3:30 and 5:30 PM, Mr. FERRIE and
two companions came to the rink and talked to Mr. ROLLAND."  The  report
continues that Ferrie and Rolland had a short general conversation,  and
that Ferrie remarked that "he and his companions would be in and out  of
the  skating rink during the weekend" (Commission Document  301).   When
Garrison's men recently talked to Rolland, they obtained pertinent facts
that the FBI had either missed or failed to report in 1963.  Rolland was
certain  that  none of the three men in Ferrie's party had  ice  skated;
Ferrie  had spent the entire two hours he was at the rink standing by  a
pay telephone -- and finally received a call.

At  Houston  International Airport, more information was  gleaned.   Air
service personnel seemed to recall that in 1963 Ferrie had access to  an
airplane based in Houston.  In this craft, the flight to Matamoros would
take little more than an hour.

Ferrie  had  patently lied about the purpose of the trip.   One  of  the
standard  tactics  of bank robbers is to escape from the  scene  of  the
crime  in  a "hot car" that cannot be traced to them, then switch  to  a
"cold car" of their own to complete the getaway.  Garrison considers  it
possible that Ferrie may have been the pilot of a second craft in a two-
stage escape of the Dallas assassins to south of the border, or may have
been  slated  to be a backup pilot in the evnet contingency  plans  were

Did  Ferrie know Oswald?  The pilot denied it, but the  evidence  mounts
that  he did.  For example, there is now in Garrison's hand  information
that when Oswald was arrested in Dallas police, he had in his possession
a CURRENT New Orleans library card issued to David Ferrie.   Reinforcing
the  validity  of  this information is a Secret Service  report  on  the
questioning  of Ferrie by that agency when he was in federal custody  in
1963.   During  an  otherwise  mild  interrogation,  Ferrie  was  asked,
strangely  enough,  in  he  lent his library card  to  Oswald.   No,  he
replied,  producing  a card from the New Orleans public library  in  the
name of Dr. David Ferrie.  That card had expired.

When  he realized he was a suspect in Garrison's current  investigation,
Ferrie seemed to deteriorate.  By the time he died on February 22, 1967,
he  was  a nervous wreck, subsisting on endless cigarettes and  cups  of
coffee  and enough tranquilizers to pacify an army.  He had  sought  out
the  press only days before his death, labeling the probe a "fraud"  and
complaining that he was the victim of a "witch hunt."  "I suppose he has
me pegged as a getaway pilot," he remarked bitterly.


Well, naturally, this sparked our interest. We staked out his house and we
questioned his friends, and when he came back --- the first thing he did on
his return, incidentally, was to contact a lawyer and then hide out for the
night at a friend's room in another town --- we pulled him and his two
companions in for questioning. The story of Ferrie's activities that emerged
was rather curious. He drove nine hours through a furious thunderstorm to
Texas, then apparently gave up his plans to go duck hunting and instead went
to an ice-skating rink in Houston and stood waiting beside a pay telephone
for two hours; he never put the skates on. We felt his movements were
suspicious enough to justify his arrest and that of his friends, and we took
them into custody. When we alerted the FBI, they expressed interest and
asked us to turn the three men over to them for questioning. We did, but
Ferrie was released soon afterward and most of its report on him was
classified top secret and secreted in the National Archives, where it will
remain inaccessible to the public until September 2038 A.D. No one,
including me, can see those pages.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, April 21, 2001 6:48 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Earlier, Longer David Ferrie FBI Interview 11/25/63

-Caveat Lector-

y P. Shinley Archive:
                             Earlier, Longer David Ferrie FBI Interview

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