Title: Chicom

Millions of Americans Activists,

With the fall of the Soviet Union, many Americans have
forgotten that Communism still poses a great threat to our
nation. Newsmax and Admiral Moorer, former chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, are keeping a close eye on China and
other Communist nations.

Their one-hour audio tape briefing helps bring shed light
on the China threat. Check it out.

For Integrity,
Bruce Eberle

From:  Newsmax
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 11:47 AM
To: Bruce Eberle
Subject: China Threat

NewsMax.com Breaking News
Our servicemen may be home, but America's problems with
China are far from over.

NewsMax.com has just released a new audio tape briefing with
Admiral Thomas Moorer. It's called NewsMax.com Presidential
Briefing: China Plans War

Moorer says China is planning on a major war with the U.S. in
the next two years.

This new audio tape is available at
<A HREF = ""http://www.newsmax.com/jump/moorer.htm" >Audio Tape</A>

Moorer is the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
the nation's highest-ranking military officer. He has
advised no less than seven U.S. presidents.

Moorer was chairman in the early 1970s when Pres. Nixon
"opened up" China. He has dealt with China in three wars and
commanded the Pacific Fleet.

In a stunning one-hour audio tape exclusive to NewsMax.com
readers, Adm. Moorer gives a complete briefing on the danger
posed by China, the same type of briefing he gave to U.S.

You can get this tape by clicking here:
<A HREF = ""http://www.newsmax.com/jump/moorer.htm" >Audio Tape</A>

In this audio tape Moorer discusses:

* Why China's hostage taking fits with their strategy of
defeating the U.S.
* He explains what steps must be taken now to stop China's
military build-up and prevent a war
* Why he believes a conflict with China over Taiwan is
* His view that a major war with China could erupt in two
short years
* Why such a war would likely lead to the use of atomic
weapons by both sides
* Details of China's emergence as a global nuclear superpower,
thanks to Bill Clinton
* The fact that China's has new bases in both the Panama
Canal and the Bahamas, allowing them to covertly strike
every U.S. city with atomic weapons delivered by their large
arsenal of short and medium range missiles
* China's desire to challenge the U.S. on every continent -
and their active use of illegal immigration and the arming of
Marxist guerillas in Central America as a means to that end

In this special Presidential Briefing, Adm. Moorer explains
why Gen. MacArthur's warnings about China were prophetic.
Moorer warns that a new nexus between Russia and China now
threatens the balance of world power, and fears that one or
more conflicts may face America in the next few years.

You won't hear this from the major media. Get your copy
<A HREF = ""http://www.newsmax.com/jump/moorer.htm" >Audio Tape</A>

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