-Caveat Lector-

Mail message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba) Date: Fri, Apr 27, 2001, 12:34am
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: UN Wants to Disarm US

So what else is new; this ought to be fun.
They would do well to maybe ban Ryder Trucks and fertilizer?

Maybe they will ban attack dogs?  Now they buy big metal fangs for their
dogs?  My what big teeth they have, gramma?

Ever check the salaries some of these people make - now that is a real
holdup without a gun.

Can't tell the good guys from the bad guys these days or trust your
mailman on a bad hair day?


U.N. Wants Global Gun Ban
Friday, April 27, 2001

The U.N. is after Americans' Second Amendment gun rights – it wants
gun ownership banned in the U.S., and it's not going to stop until it
gets its way.

That's the warning from the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre,
who reveals that "for the first time in the history of the world, a
United Nations conference has set its sights on global disarmament –
disarming citizens worldwide – including you and me."

At an 11-day meeting beginning July 9 at U.N. headquarters in New York,
every extremist anti-gun group in the world will show up at a summit on
"small arms," where the delegates will attempt to create a global
standard of gun control, banning civilian fire arms ownership worldwide.

Their aim, LaPierre warns, is "to bring the nightmare of England,
Australia and Canada into our country and our homes."

Those nations, along with South Africa and others, have caved in to
international pressure and severely restricted civilian gun ownership.
Canada has gone so far as to make handgun ownership a felony.

As a result, crime rates in England and Australia have skyrocketed since
the gun limits went into effect, once again proving the truth of the old
saying that if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.

While the U.N. has no power to force the U.S. to ban gun ownership, it
can, with the enthusiastic help of the foreign and domestic
anti-self-defense media, create a powerful international movement to
shame the U.S. into junking the Second Amendment rights of private gun

"You and I won't go one day without hearing that the rest of the world
is banning guns and it's time for the U.S. to get in line and do the
same," LaPierre wrote.

As a prelude to this frightening gathering of anti-self-defense
fanatics, a number of proposals have already been advanced at various
U.N. forums. Among them:
Strategies to reduce the number of guns in private hands that include
mandating a maximum one-gun-per-person rule;

A ban on possession of handguns by anyone other than government
officials and target shooters who would be forced to store their weapons
at shooting ranges;
Worldwide licensing of firearms registered in a vast U.N. computer bank.

"The bottom line is that international gun banners want every gun –
every single gun worldwide – to be under U.N. and government control,"
warns LaPierre.

"And that includes your rifle, your shotgun, your handgun, and even
family heirlooms that have been handed down from generation to

LaPierre urges Americans to`contact Sen. Jesse Helms, chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and express their outrage at this
latest U.N. power grab.

Helms, he notes, is already on record as deploring the U.N.'s anti-gun
project. He wrote a letter to the U.S. Agency for International
Development in 1999 in which he described the U.N. gun ban project:
nothing less that a brazen international expansion of the

[Clinton-Gore] domestic gun control agenda."

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