-Caveat Lector-


Rich knew of pardon 'before US officials'

By Philip Delves Broughton

THE wife of Marc Rich, the billionaire fugitive controversially pardoned by
President Clinton, has disclosed how she and her husband were told of the
decision two hours before the Justice Department.

Gisela Rich said they were telephoned at their home in Switzerland by the
head of the Rich Foundation in Israel, Avnery Azulay. By hiring lawyers who
had worked closely with Mr Clinton in the past, Mr Rich received special
treatment from the White House, which completely by-passed normal Justice
Department procedures.

The pardon soured Mr Clinton's departure from the White House and is
regarded with contempt even by once loyal Democrats. Mrs Rich's disclosure
in an interview with the magazine Vanity Fair further clouds what is already
a murky business.

Despite Mr Clinton's denials, many suspect that the pardon was granted
solely as a favour to Mr Rich's ex-wife, Denise, a friend of the Clintons
and generous contributor to their various causes. She has given millions of
pounds to the Clintons' political campaigns and to Mr Clinton's Presidential

Past and present Israeli prime ministers had been lined up to lobby Mr
Clinton for the pardon. In her first interview since the scandal, Denise
Rich, who also spoke to Vanity Fair, gave few details about her ex-husband's
pardon, which she urged Mr Clinton to grant on several occasions.

However, she does say that the Clintons' decorator sent a list round to
their friends, while they were still in the White House, asking for
furniture and gifts for their new home in Chappaqua.

Mrs Clinton's office previously denied the existence of such a list in an
effort to play down the impression that the couple were trawling for gifts.
Since the pardon scandal, Mrs Rich has not heard from her once great

Mrs Rich, who is worth more than £150 million from her marriage to Rich and
now writes pop songs, says she was persuaded to help her ex-husband, from
whom she had a bitter divorce, after their daughter Gabrielle died of
Hodgkin's lymphoma in 1993.

Rich was unable to see his daughter in America before she died without
running the risk of spending the rest of his life in jail. However, her
death persuaded Mrs Rich to move on and forgive her former husband.

The current Mrs Rich, Gisela, tells the magazine that the pardon was not a
quid pro quo for Denise Rich. She says: "She likes the Democrats and she
contributed for years and years and years. And that has nothing to do with

Mr Rich fled the United States in 1984 after he was charged with involvement
in what investigators described as America's biggest tax fraud. He has since
lived in Switzerland, having renounced his US citizenship. His
multi-billion-dollar fortune was made in commodities trading.

According to Vanity Fair, Mr Rich had been trying to buy a pardon long
before Mr Clinton granted him one. Howard Safir, formerly the head of the US
Marshals Service, said he attended a spy exchange in the late Eighties when
an East German lawyer offered "$250 million on behalf of Marc Rich".

Other sources claim that Adnan Kashoggi, the Saudi arms dealer, interceded
with Mr Clinton on Rich's behalf. Despite all that has happened, Denise Rich
insists that her friendship with the Clintons "went beyond" money.

While denying rumours that she and the former President had an affair, she
says he is "a very spiritual person". She explained: "He has so much
charisma. Who wouldn't be attracted?"

I am Larry O'Daniel, author of Missing in Action: Trail of Deceit - and
Trails of Deceit.  This subject, of course, is not about the books  = I just
wanted to introduce myself for the following.

I have read with interest the accounts of the Kerrey story as portrayed in
the NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, and Washington Times today. I also
watched the Kerrey interview "live" on real audio courtesy of the Post on
line service.

Something drastically is missing here. I am a veteran of the Phoenix Program
(Go Cong and An Xuyen Provinces) in exactly the same time frame this story
took place. Go Cong, as far as I can tell from the very undetailed maps on
the NY Times Website, is just north of this operation. There are important
facts missing from this rendition that I believe Kerrey does not want out.
He is being shielded also by the liberal media in this way.

A - He is described in various stories as being an "inexperienced" officer
or combatant, having arrived in Vietnam only a month earlier. Truth - he
joined the SEALs in 1966 according to the NYTIMES. That gives him almost 3
years or more on active duty - including SEAL Training and whatever else he
did. I arrived in Vietnam in January 1969. Other than 7 years of ROTC
training (3 HS and 4 College), I had a total of 5 months active duty -
(Infantry Officer Basic - ROTC Summer Camp prior to commissioning - and
Combat Intelligence Staff Officer Basic) before I was on the ground in
Vietnam and assigned to the Phoenix Program. If he was "inexperienced" - I
was a newbie baby - and I faced some of the same moral dilemmas he did and
handled them competently, I believe.

B - This is described as an operation against a VC District Level meeting in
a free fire zone. He said he flew over the area 12 days or so before to make
sure no civilians were there. The reality of this I will comment on in point
by point as this is complex - to a degree

 1. This had to be a Phoenix operation. We were the agency targeting the VCI
at this time. (At this particular moment in 1969, I was just attending or
just finishing the Phoenix Counterinsurgency School at Vung Tau). It would
not be unprecedented for SEALs to lead an attack as described since local
ARVN forces were probably scarce.  Various forces were sent on Phoenix
missions as needed. In my District, we used our own local forces, both
Police paramilitary and ARVN regular forces to do our operations.

2. With the SEAL force described, I find it difficult to believe the low
intensity of battle described. The level VC political figure targeted - the
nature of the area being infiltrated by the SEALs - dictated that the VC
forces guarding the target/ target meeting was a minimum VC Regular Force
Platoon to a VC local force company. Of course, once the first shots were
fired - and the Seals were discovered - the target/targets was out the door
with his own personal bodyguard with him and the forces providing security.
If this meeting was with any higher level personnel VCI, there could have
been as many as another platoon of "commandos" and bodyguards present.

3. The reconnaissance by air described by Kerrey was useless as far as
intelligence of what was there on that night. A status of a village cannot
be determined by air alone. By the time the operation came around, 12 days
later, it was "stale - in need of updating."  I know - I flew air recon
missions over areas less hostile and just as hostile during my tour. You had
to go on the ground to make sure that no civilians were present. I flew over
free fire zones and personally gave the orders to fire at targets on the
ground - and crossed my fingers hoping I remembered the borders correctly,
had the proper intelligence that the "friendlies" had left, hoping the
pilots plotted our location correctly, etc. This was a weighty decision to
make on the spot for a 22 year old 2 LT.

4. I believe that Kerry does not want to be associated in any way with
Phoenix - for obvious reasons as a liberal Democrat. His supporters on that
spectrum would drum him the way they drummed a friend of mine - Tom Pauken -
20 years ago during his confirmation hearings to head of ACTION - and it
turned out he was not even in the program (We still joke over him taking the
blame for my "misdeeds" - We sat next to each other for 7 weeks at Ft.
Holabird and have been in contact off and on for the past 33 years. He is
the former Chairman of the Texas Republican Party as I am the former
Chairman of the La Paz County Republican Party)

5. The facts - all of them have to be brought out - and tough questions
asked and answered - which they have not to this day. I am tired of taking
the blame - as a known and proud veteran of the Phoenix program - for
atrocities - real or imagined - that I would have been court- martialed for
had I commited them. I can sleep soundly at night over what I did or did not
do in Vietnam. I did not assassinate - kill indiscriminately - or torture
VCI suspects. I did not kill women or children. I have an application in for
an OSD appointment (even if slim chances exist I get picked) in Special
Operations - and I would have to answer questions about my Phoenix
experience - prominently listed in my resume - that would get tougher than
anything Kerrey has faced to date on this incident. I expect a sitting (or
former sitting Senator) politician aspiring to the White House to do the

6. If some of the activities described actually happened - the civilians
rounded up and shot - this is a war crime - in my view. They were no
hinderance to getting out - The VC already knew they were there - from the
shots fired 15 minutes or so earlier - and the SEALS should have been out or
getting ready to go at that time.

I can be contacted - if wanted by you - at below - and I will answer any
questions - no dodging hard ones - This needs to be investigated - not swept
under the rug like Kerry (MA) and McCain (AZ) want it to go away. Operations
like this - alleged atrocities - were not part of the everyday common story
(as alleged by Kerry of MA) that I lived and worked in - a veteran of the so
called alleged "assassination bureau" of Phoenix.

520-859-4128 (office and fax) 520-859-3819 work and 24 hour contact number

I am Larry O'Daniel, author of Missing in Action: Trail of Deceit - and
Trails of Deceit.  This subject, of course, is not about the books  = I just
wanted to introduce myself for the following.

I have read with interest the accounts of the Kerrey story as portrayed in
the NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, and Washington Times today. I also
watched the Kerrey interview "live" on real audio courtesy of the Post on
line service.

Something drastically is missing here. I am a veteran of the Phoenix Program
(Go Cong and An Xuyen Provinces) in exactly the same time frame this story
took place. Go Cong, as far as I can tell from the very undetailed maps on
the NY Times Website, is just north of this operation. There are important
facts missing from this rendition that I believe Kerrey does not want out.
He is being shielded also by the liberal media in this way.
A - He is described in various stories as being an "inexperienced" officer
or combatant, having arrived in Vietnam only a month earlier. Truth - he
joined the SEALs in 1966 according to the NYTIMES. That gives him almost 3
years or more on active duty - including SEAL Training and whatever else he
did. I arrived in Vietnam in January 1969. Other than 7 years of ROTC
training (3 HS and 4 College), I had a total of 5 months active duty -
(Infantry Officer Basic - ROTC Summer Camp prior to commissioning - and
Combat Intelligence Staff Officer Basic) before I was on the ground in
Vietnam and assigned to the Phoenix Program. If he was "inexperienced" - I
was a newbie baby - and I faced some of the same moral dilemmas he did and
handled them competently, I believe.
B - This is described as an operation against a VC District Level meeting in
a free fire zone. He said he flew over the area 12 days or so before to make
sure no civilians were there. The reality of this I will comment on in point
by point as this is complex - to a degree
 1. This had to be a Phoenix operation. We were the agency targeting the VCI
at this time. (At this particular moment in 1969, I was just attending or
just finishing the Phoenix Counterinsurgency School at Vung Tau). It would
not be unprecedented for SEALs to lead an attack as described since local
ARVN forces were probably scarce.  Various forces were sent on Phoenix
missions as needed. In my District, we used our own local forces, both
Police paramilitary and ARVN regular forces to do our operations.
2. With the SEAL force described, I find it difficult to believe the low
intensity of battle described. The level VC political figure targeted - the
nature of the area being infiltrated by the SEALs - dictated that the VC
forces guarding the target/ target meeting was a minimum VC Regular Force
Platoon to a VC local force company. Of course, once the first shots were
fired - and the Seals were discovered - the target/targets was out the door
with his own personal bodyguard with him and the forces providing security.
If this meeting was with any higher level personnel VCI, there could have
been as many as another platoon of "commandos" and bodyguards present.
3. The reconnaissance by air described by Kerrey was useless as far as
intelligence of what was there on that night. A status of a village cannot
be determined by air alone. By the time the operation came around, 12 days
later, it was "stale - in need of updating."  I know - I flew air recon
missions over areas less hostile and just as hostile during my tour. You had
to go on the ground to make sure that no civilians were present. I flew over
free fire zones and personally gave the orders to fire at targets on the
ground - and crossed my fingers hoping I remembered the borders correctly,
had the proper intelligence that the "friendlies" had left, hoping the
pilots plotted our location correctly, etc. This was a weighty decision to
make on the spot for a 22 year old 2 LT.
4. I believe that Kerry does not want to be associated in any way with
Phoenix - for obvious reasons as a liberal Democrat. His supporters on that
spectrum would drum him the way they drummed a friend of mine - Tom Pauken -
20 years ago during his confirmation hearings to head of ACTION - and it
turned out he was not even in the program (We still joke over him taking the
blame for my "misdeeds" - We sat next to each other for 7 weeks at Ft.
Holabird and have been in contact off and on for the past 33 years. He is
the former Chairman of the Texas Republican Party as I am the former
Chairman of the La Paz County Republican Party)
5. The facts - all of them have to be brought out - and tough questions
asked and answered - which they have not to this day. I am tired of taking
the blame - as a known and proud veteran of the Phoenix program - for
atrocities - real or imagined - that I would have been court- martialed for
had I commited them. I can sleep soundly at night over what I did or did not
do in Vietnam. I did not assassinate - kill indiscriminately - or torture
VCI suspects. I did not kill women or children. I have an application in for
an OSD appointment (even if slim chances exist I get picked) in Special
Operations - and I would have to answer questions about my Phoenix
experience - prominently listed in my resume - that would get tougher than
anything Kerrey has faced to date on this incident. I expect a sitting (or
former sitting Senator) politician aspiring to the White House to do the
6. If some of the activities described actually happened - the civilians
rounded up and shot - this is a war crime - in my view. They were no
hinderance to getting out - The VC already knew they were there - from the
shots fired 15 minutes or so earlier - and the SEALS should have been out or
getting ready to go at that time.

I can be contacted - if wanted by you - at below - and I will answer any
questions - no dodging hard ones - This needs to be investigated - not swept
under the rug like Kerry (MA) and McCain (AZ) want it to go away. Operations
like this - alleged atrocities - were not part of the everyday common story
(as alleged by Kerry of MA) that I lived and worked in - a veteran of the so
called alleged "assassination bureau" of Phoenix.

520-859-4128 (office and fax) 520-859-3819 work and 24 hour contact number

                                Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                               *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

               The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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