Bob Kerrey... Return Bronze Star!

by William Cooper
Veritas News Service -- Exclusive, April 27, 2001 -- Nobody should ever
receive a medal for killing unarmed innocent old men, women, and children.
Bob Kerrey should never have accepted the Bronze Star medal under the
circumstances that truthfully occurred.

It is the fact that he accepted the medal even though he knew the citation
was a fraud, along with the testimony of the eye witnesses that totally
destroys the credibility of Kerrey's story. The eyewitnesses cliam his tale
is a fabrication.

I am a Vietnam combat veteran. I was in Vietnam in 1969 at the same time as
Kerrey as a River Patrol Boat Captain. I don't believe a word he says.

Bob Kerry, by accepting a medal and a citation that he knew was nothing less
than a bold faced lie, has cheapened the legitimate medals worn by men and
women who earned them the hard way. He has disgraced himself by using that
lie to seek, obtain, and hold public office.

In a story that appeared in this mornings press Senator John McCain said the
"Bob received a Bronze Star for his action that night. He would be the first
to agree that his conduct, no matter how unintentional, did not merit
commendation. But his conduct on another night, one month later, won him the
decoration our country bestows on only her greatest heroes. And were you to
read the citation that accompanied his Medal of Honor, you would know beyond
a doubt he earned it."

What's wrong with that statement? It's a lie, that's what's wrong. No one in
the military is forced to accept medals or commendations. Bob Kerrey accepted
the Bronze Star without so much as the slightest protest and he could have
declined to accept it... which he did not do.

The statement by McCain that, ..."were you to read the citation that
accompanied his Medal of Honor, you would know beyond a doubt he earned it,"
has now been called into question. You see Senator McCain if I had read the
citation that accompanied his Bronze Star I would have known beyond a doubt
that Kerrey had earned it... or would I? Because of the truth of what
happened that night, his acceptance of the Bronze Star, and the insistance of
the eyewitnesses that his story is a fabrication, I cannot now accept either
citation as, "beyond doubt". It makes me wonder about the circumstances under
which he received his other medals.

I also take exception to John McCain telling me the definition of a hero.
McCain had the luxury of flying high above his victims and never saw a one of
them. He was shot down, something he was to avoid. He was captured, also
something that he was not supposed to allow. John McCain did everything he
was not supposed to do.

The kicker is that while his fellow prisoners kept their mouths shut and bore
their suffering, John McCain gave classified information in exchange for
medical care. In addition John McCain made a film with his captors in which
he condemned the United States Navy as war criminals and worse. That film was
shown all over the world. His statements were aired over Radio Hanoi. I
know... my crew and I listened to them over, and over again, night, after
night, after night, usually right after Hanoi Jane Fonda gave her pro
communist anti American spiel which demanded that we surrender to our
benevolent North Vietnamese freedom fighters.

I know what combat is and I know what heros are... I fought alongside some
real heros, both navy and Marine Corps on one of the most heavily contested
rivers in history. John McCain is no hero by anyones definition. John McCain
makes me sick to my stomach every time I see or hear him.

In addition John McCain wears a chest full of the highest medals that can be
given to anyone in military service... non of which were earned by John
McCain. All prisoners of war, at least officers, were automatically given the
nations highest medals on a regular time regulated basis simply for being a
prisoner, not ever for the purposes for which the medals were created.

Bob Kerrey should voluntary return the Bronze Star. He should never have
accepted it in the first place. Someone should be investigating the massacre
that Bob Kerrey ordered performed. And because of the lies that have emerged
someone should also be investigating the circumstances under which he
received his other medals to see if they were legitimate or just more lies.

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