-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Whites a minority in half America's biggest cities

> -Caveat Lector-
> Just keep these black homosexuals out of the boy scouts, for one out of
> three male homosexuals has AIDS.....

show me the stats to back this up or admit you are a racist. i dare you. i
double dare you. and thrice i dare you to start backing up your claims.

> like the ones in Wichita who murdered 5
> whites, one was to be a priest and a lady who was a cellosit....

ok- show me the news clipping to verify this one too.

> high
> type people murdered and egged on by Jesse Jackson.

show me transcript of when he said this- give me a quote, babes.

> Remember Jesse told the story of spitting in white people's food

show me the quote again

; nice
> thought blacks with AIDS sptting about?

*no-one* has caught HIV from spitting. ever. but i will stand corrected if
you can show such an instance.

> So they say London Bridge is really falling down

clipping please

; now remember some of
> the Aids infested blood Clinton sold to Canada

when exactley was that? it eludes me at the moment so could you post a
reference where i might read about it?

, also went to
> England.....and to Scotland.....and who knows where all it went.

really? that is most awful- perhaps you could refresh my memory?

> Surely inasmuch as the Jehovovah Witnesses

don't you mean mormons? or was that just one of howard's ideas?


 > knew this blood was polluted

show me how they knew- or at least where they claim to know

> long before name of AIDS came up one can only conclude that Clinton knew
> the blood he sold woudl be fatal

him and all the other arsehole gvernments that done it too. apparently.
don't call stupid evil. there is more stupidity in the world than there is

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