-Caveat Lector-

PW Daily for Booksellers (May 1, 2001)

In Revised Book, McVeigh's Lawyer Says Bombing Was Conspiracy

On May 9, just days before the scheduled execution of Timothy McVeigh,
PublicAffairs is releasing a trade paperback version of Others Unknown:
Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy by Stephen Jones
and Peter Israel ($15; 1586480987).

Jones was McVeigh's lawyer in his trial for the 1995 bombing of the Murrah
Office Building in Oklahoma City. Israel is a writer, editor and former

This "complete revision" of the 1998 hardcover includes material that Jones
couldn't include before--until McVeigh effectively waived attorney-client

Thus, for the first time, Jones tells of his investigation of the case and
alleges that based on what he learned as McVeigh's counsel, the bombing was
a conspiracy and McVeigh was not its mastermind. McVeigh has claimed full
responsibility for the bombing.

"I'm not trying to say he was innocent," Jones said. "He has exaggerated
his guilt to protect others. He played a role, but he was a foot soldier, a
mule, not the general."

Jones reports in detail what McVeigh told him as the case progressed;
explains why McVeigh did not plead guilty; makes a case for McVeigh's role
in the conspiracy; and demonstrates how McVeigh obstructed his own

Jones is donating his net proceeds from this paperback edition to a
non-profit or charitable organization.

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