-Caveat Lector-

>In December 1984, via the mail, in a plain brown envelope, to
> private UFO investigator Bill Moore and his film producer friend, and
> associate, Mr. Jaime Shandera. Mr. Bill Moore is a well known private
> UFO investigator, and is co-author, with Charles Berlitz, of the book
> "The Roswell Incident."  Unknown to the public is the fact that Bill
> Moore was recruited as an agent of the CIA.

Maybe it is generally unknown, but some of us had it figured out years ago.
The following post drew some nervous denial from Friedman on various mailing
lists, but he didn't convince me. In the acknowledgments section of The
Roswell Incident are several people I met in Herman, MN (home of the world's
most famous bachelors a few years ago). Some are school administrators,
fellow teachers, coaches and some are farmers. Regular yokels, if you will.
If anyone has any recent information on Moore I would like to see it.

>From Feb. 1998:
Subject: The Front: William L. Moore

From: UFO Sky Searchers International
From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dale Stonehouse)
From:   SearchNet's   IUFO   Mailing List

 In the 1976 movie The Front, Woody Allen played a dimwit hired to put
 his name on scripts authored by blacklisted writers in the 1950s.

 Is Bill Moore also a front for unnamed writers in his published books
 The Roswell Incident and The Philadelphia Experiment, both possibly
 works of disinformation? Both were allegedly coauthored by Charles
 Berlitz, but it is accepted that he agreed to have his name ascribed to
 get publishers to take the books.

 Consider that Moore was teaching drama and French at Herman High School
 in Herman, MN (pop. 600) in the 1970s after leaving military service,
 when he met Stanton Friedman at a lecture at the University of
 Minnesota-Morris, 14 miles away. Herman is about as rural as America
 gets. I know, having spent much time there. My ex-wife is a 1977
 graduate of Herman High School and in her school yearbooks there is
 Moore, just the average teacher.

 Soon after meeting Friedman Moore became the author of The Roswell
 Incident, even though Friedman was much more qualified to write such a
 book, having done the lion's share of research on Roswell. Yes, Moore
 did additional research and his books are entertaining, but when Moore
 announced at a UFO conference in 1989 at Las Vegas that he had helped
 intelligence agents with the Paul Bennewitz "problem," feeding Bennewitz
 false information, he was dismissed by much of the UFO community.

 Even more puzzling is this: Moore had two books published in a two-year
 period, and in the 18 years since then, has had no other books

 As a military veteran myself, I know how recruits are approached early
 in their career if they are thought to have potential for use by
 intelligence agencies. And once an asset, you are always potentially
 available for use by the agencies, even as a civilian. Is this the real
 story behind Moore and his books?

 Friedman knows the answer to that question, as he probably recruited
 Moore for just such a purpose. Perhaps Moore's 1989 revelation in Las
 Vegas was his way of ending his association with the agencies, perhaps
 out of disgust for what he had been asked to do.

 Whether any of this is accurate or not, the publication of the book The
 Roswell Incident has kept researchers running around in circles for
 almost 20 years trying to confirm its validity. As disinformation it is
 probably the best ever produced.

 Posted by: Dale Stonehouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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