CNN Scoops Fox, MSNBC

IF YOU SAW LIVE FOOTAGE of the 24 U.S. Navy crewmembers boarding their 737
to Guam in Hainan last night, then you were watching CNN, which was the only
network to film the event. I saw the footage, and was struck by how, well,
Internet-like the quality was. The video was jerky and grainy, just like
low-bandwidth streaming video on the web.

It turns out, CNN used a cheap satellite phone to transmit the picture,
according to the Washington Post.

Normally, news crews drive electronics-laden vans with giant satellite
dishes on top. That wasn't possible in Hainan because of location and tight
security, and most other networks apparently came to the conclusion that
live transmission was out of the question. CNN, however, kludged together a
low-tech solution that enabled them to use a standard camera and transmit
the feed with a cheap, commercially available satellite phone sold to
business people. They powered the whole thing with a car battery.

While filming the event, Chinese authorities arrested the CNN crew, and
they're still being held. Despite strong protests from CNN, the Chinese
military is likely dismantling the satellite phone to learn valuable
American broadcasting technology secrets.

Mike's List ISSUE 17 APRIL 12, 2001.url

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