-Caveat Lector-
Perhaps some of these "thousands" of pages are among the numerous documents requested to no avail by Stephen Jones (main defense attorney) during McVeigh's kangaroo-court/teary circus trial (pursuit of truth not allowed), and deliberately witheld (suppressed?), flippantly dismissed by the Government as supposedly unimportant to the defense. 
See Jones' revised book "Others Unknown" 1998, 2001.  Jones reports he was stonewalled by the prosecution and the judge on numerous requests to look at prolific evidence potentially devastating to the Government's case - the trial judge was also obstructive in witholding these documents.  It was a Government mistake alright, but probably not the type of "mistake" the FBI now claims.  Why did Jones not pursue the issue to the wall then?
CBS strangely omits any reference to Stephen Jones just-released book revision and its references to "Others Unknown," witheld evidence etc.  Also strange that the book has no index - difficult to quickly look up "Strassmeir" et al.  It will be really strange if no mistrial is declared for mistakenly witheld evidence, deliberately or otherwise.  For justice to be done, the cover needs to be completely blown off this case.  It seems ample opportunity is being afforded now, except to call those previously denied witnesses who are now dead.

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