-Caveat Lector-


'302's,' 'Inserts' Make Up Bulk of Documents

Friday, May 11, 2001
Sharon Kehnemui

WASHINGTON - The Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed Thursday that
it had failed to turn over hundreds of documents, amounting to 3,100
pages of investigation reports, photographs, written correspondence and
tapes relating to the case against Timothy McVeigh, the admitted
Oklahoma City bomber.

The Justice Department decided Friday to stay McVeigh's execution since
the materials should have been handed over to McVeigh's attorneys before
his trial.

DOJ special attorney Sean Connelly wrote to McVeigh's attorneys
Wednesday that additional documents relating to the Oklahoma City
bombing case came from reviews of 26 databases and included a number of
"302's," or reports filed by agents named for the number on the form
with which they must be submitted. They also include "inserts" filed by
field agents, along with everything from photographs and correspondence
to audio and video tapes.

Sources told Fox News Friday that many of the forms pertain to "John Doe
No. 2," a suspect who was described by witnesses but never identified.
The information may also be crucial to the defense of Terry Nichols, a
convicted co-conspirator who has always maintained others, not him, were

The documents were uncovered during a routine evidence-gathering
conducted by agent Danny Defenbaugh, who was in charge of the Oklahoma
City bombing investigation.

The FBI said it wants to make clear that the documents, part of millions
of pages of evidence in the case, were not withheld intentionally, but
were mistakenly left out during the discovery process.

The letter accompanying the documents written by Connelly read, "We do
not believe anything being produced is material bearing on the federal
convictions or sentences of Timothy McVeigh or Terry Nichols."

Connelly's letter said the discovery of additional materials came "after
an FBI archivist requested that all OKBOMB-related materials be sent to
the Oklahoma City field office for archiving."

He also wrote that "FBI Director Louis J. Freeh and the agent in charge
of the bombing probe had requested on numerous occasions prior to trial
that each field division and legal attache forward all OKBOMB-related
materials to the Oklahoma City division, and had received assurances
that all such materials had been forwarded."

Two government sources told The Washington Post that some of the
material was duplicated information previously given to the defense, but
another federal source said most of the material had not been seen by
the defense.

Connelly wrote that none of the materials makes any "showing of either
man's actual innocence."

                                Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                               *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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