The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU
Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DSS (Mr. Kostunica's party) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yugoslav Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, c/o "Democratic Party of Serbia"

Dear President Kostunica and Prime Minister Djindjic,

Once again, the Yugoslav nation and the Serbian people are being subjected
to blackmail and vilification on the part of the U.S. government and NATO.
It is time -- in fact, it is long past time -- to say "No," once and for
all, to any and all demands to compromise the sovereignty of the Yugoslav
nation and the well-being of the Serbian people.

No matter what Mr. Milosevic may or may not have done with regard to the
financial situation in Yugoslavia, any attempt to arrest him will be, and
being, interpreted as another long step on the slippery slope toward
him out to the Hague "Tribunal." This sudden urgency to arrest Mr.
in time to meet the shameful ultimatum of the U.S. government is, all too
clearly, a sell-out, in return for the promise of a pathetically small
amount of U.S. "aid" and in fear of threatened reimposition of sanctions.
Along with the obvious fact that it is morally wrong to sell out in this
way, it is also wrong for the following practical reasons:

1. The U.S. government has scarcely any genuine allies any more, other than
the morally bankrupt and shaky Tony Blair regime. We do not believe that
U.S. government any longer has the capability to succeed in repeating its
crimes of two years ago.

2. Nor does it appear that any NATO government other than that of Tony
has any genuine interest in stirring up a crisis in order to round up more
indictees to send to the Hague "Tribunal." Thus, even the threat of renewed
sanctions is most likely an empty one.

3. The U.S. government has a pitifully poor record with regard to keeping
its promises, especially with regard to "aid." Instead of getting ready to
sell out your nation's sovereignty in return for empty promises and
you should be demanding -- UNCONDITIONALLY -- one hundred billion dollars'
worth of reparations from the U.S. and NATO, payable immediately and in

4. Finally, why aren't both of you demanding that EVERYONE who has been
responsible for the use of depleted uranium, cluster bombs, and other
criminal means of warfare against your nation, be put on trial? Given that
the aggressor nations are unwilling even to consider the possibility of
holding these perpetrators accountable, why do you not insist that they all
be turned over to the Yugoslav government for trial?

We  hope the Yugoslav nation and the
Serbian people, under your administration not slide down to the bottom of
disgrace . It is time to resist again toward the new humiliating
imperialists aggression against the Serbian nation.
  Truly Yours

Major Gen. Kostas Konstantinidis(Ret)
member of wx-NATO Generals for Peace &

Mrs Jela Jovanovic, art historian

Secretary General

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