-Caveat Lector-

This item re California is a wonder; the police are called to Rosie
O'Donnells - a child is screaming, on several occasions.

It seems to be a trend doesn't it for pedophiles like Michael Jackson
who romped and played with the children on the Democrat Platform and in
his bedroom according to several of the children - oh no charges filed,
and the matter dropped and his is making a comback for now is he more

And Rosie O'Donnell - how many children does she have now?   i remember
the day a Court took away three small children from this big rich queer
in our town, the alcoholic father had virtually sold them to him.....the
had been molested and this guy went to the slammer, but ended up being
murdered later, by his homosexual lover.

Now Rosie is she mommy as she says or is she daddy figure?   This guy
who was murdered, seemed like the mama figure but the guy that murdered
him alas, just wanted he money with which he was lured into his den of

So tell me all these people who have had their children taken away - bet
they were all poor folk, right?   Will they give them to Rosie to play

Or now that the Creep Michael Jackson is making a comeback will they
permit him to sleep with little boys again?

So is is proper to send these oh so emotionally disturbed children to a
lesbian for love and care?   Childen screaming in the night?   Normal
thing to do is to stay with the child and tell them there is nothing to
fear - but Rosie, oh such motherly advise she gives.

Keep thinking about the other kid who had her teeth knocked out and nose
bloodied and Rosie's terribly gashed hand and wrist......must have been
dreadful, now infected?

Looks more like it was cut ramming hand through a window than cut with
what was it she said, a price tag?

Oh these Hollywood people - with all Rosie's money you think she could
have hired someone to watch these children for her rather than complaint
because she could not sleep.

Abused Children sold as Sex Slaves?  Well that will be next as if the
sale of baby body parts for profit was not bad enough.

Rosie just keeps after those little kids?  But somehow all I remember is
her on Saturday night live - a Christmas Nativity Scene, and oh that pig
eyed old bat was so funny - she picked up the baby Jesus in his little
bed and put it over her head to throw it.....now this is the Rosie I

She thought that was funny?   Nice example for the kiddies>

Now I lay me down to sleep;
I pray the lord my soul to keep;

If I should die before I wake;
Please call the cops, for heavens sake?

Suffer little children -
Abused Children sent to Rosie O'Donnell......you got to be kidding.


Mail message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Sat,
Indio, California Demonstration; Juvenile Courts & Children Protective
Dear Friend - if you live in California and can attend the below
demonstration on Monday April 30th at the Juvenile Court in Indio, CA,
please arrive at 7:30am and help send a message to the public about the
serious situation in Juvenile Courts and Childrens Protective Services
in California in general and Riverside County in particular.. Children
are being stolen from homes everywhere and held for months at a time on
what eventually are dismissed charges of child abuse. The Juvenile
Courts are virtual STAR CHAMBERS, Draconian rooms of total summary
injustice that steamroll the rights of children, parents AND attorneys.
The horror stories are endless. Juvenile Court judges and the CPS and
County Counsel attorne. Come join us and help kick off the petition
drives and send a message to the politicians. Your help is dearly
needed. Bring a stick and poster board and a black felt pen for
messages.   Call 760/251-3572 for further information
Press/Media Release
Please take notice that on Monday April 30th in the City of Indio
California, Friends of Families, Parents and Children will hold a
peaceful Ralley, Demonstration and Protest at the Indio Juvenile Court
Building, @ 46-671 Oasis St., Indio, California, from 8am to 10am.
Interested citizens who value protection of children and families are
urged to participate in this event
The purpose of this peaceful ralley, demonstration and protest is to
bring to the attention of the public badly needed changes in the
California State Code sections that govern how Children’s
Protective Services and the Juvenile Courts Operate. Friends of
Families, Parents and Children will make available at this
demonstration, copies of petition drives for gathering signatures to
present to the California State Legislature and also to place an
initiative on the next state ballot for changes in the applicable code
sections. Other items made available at this event are copies of the
Chicago Tribune article released two weeks ago about an important
Federal Court ruling handed down in the State of Illinois which found
the Illinois Childrens Protective Services (DCFS) manner of conducting
probes of child abuse to be unconstitutional and one-sided and abusive
of children and families. Since CPS in California operates exactly the
same way, this has great impact for how changes shall be made in the
State of California as well
Friends of Families, Parents and Children requests all local and distant
media to be on hand to record this event as the crucial matter of the
prevention of abuse of children and prevention of the destruction of
families and marriages is of utmost importance to all citizens and we
support these concepts and offer this demonstration to further those
worthy goals.   For further information, please contact the
spokesperson, Michael Smith at 760/251-3572, Fax: 760/251-1076

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