-Caveat Lector-

by the way the book re Barry Seal is excellent; my old friend Gordon
Novel is mentioned several times and believe me, this man does not talk
to just anybody.

He is the one man alive I know who is not only a patriot but knows the
FBI and BATF is more corrupt than this so called Mafia thing.

He was an investigator at Waco - and note the aricle Kris put out re
Oswald and Ferrie - Gordon Novel worked for Bannister and you won't see
mention of him in Oliver Stone's fabrication of what is the truth re JFK

Garrison tried to extradite Novel from Columbus during his investigation
- Gordon Novel knew that Garrison was the last man to see Ferrie alive -
Govenor James Rhodes wouldl not extradite Gordon Novel......

So why did Oliver Stone exclude the most important person in this
conspiracy who knows the truth about that bunch?   Well Garrison was
personal friend to Marcelelos and Meyer Lansky and in with the mob......

Stone used old crap we had over 30 years ago taken from Assassination
Committee.....old hat stuff.

Strange then isn't it - the Jolly Green Giant ended up in bed with Larry

So Kris did a miracle in getting Novel to talk to them.....he is indeed
very particular from what I understand.

As he once said when he escaped the net of long arm of law to flee to
Columbus with Garrison panting after him - how did you get away Mr.
Novel - Mr. Novel said, he wore a disguise - he dressed like a monk,
wore English "bowler", and smoked a big cigar.......Long Live the
Evergreen Pine.


Wonderful book Kris; enjoyed every page and all on this list should read
it - sometimes it is reading between few lines, but that Seal - what a
way to end a life.

Picture on front still looks like Last Supper....only thing missing is
the bag.

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