-Caveat Lector-
I have a suggestion for my modest proposal! Yes! I have found a location
for all Watermelon Environmental Group members (WEGers for short) in the
Southeastern United States. Mr Chuck Harder of "for the people" radio show
fame has already built a house that is environmentally friendly! Yes! he
is practically off of the grid using solar cells, storage batteries. This
has to be the location for all WEGers in the South east United States to
move to and start their environmentally friendly community!
I do want to warn you though of some challenges will have. First there
is the insects! Control of fire ants, cockroaches, Palmento bugs willcause
major controversy with the Insect protection leauge members of your model
community. Control of human and animal exhaust to prevnet pollution of
drinking water will be another major challenege. Housing, remenber you are
exposing your self to possible hurricane and tornado hazards will be
challenging and how will you protect yourself against these hazards in an
environmentally friendly way will no doubt cause controversy in your
rulling politburo of your model community.Growing your food in an
environmentally freindly manner would be another challenge
Heavens I have forgotten the worst possible challenge! SInce electricty
will be a challenge how will the ruling class journalists in the
intellegence community controlled media cover you in your environemntally
freindly community?? There won't be nearly as many cameras around for you
to spout your marxist/lennist "theories". Your sponsors in the tax free
foundations will cause them to think how try to impose environmental
freiendly living on the rest of us. Well this something for start web site
for Mr Harder is http://www.forthepeople.org Solong for now! Please inform
me of any of you WEGers taking me onthis challenge. Of course the biggest
challenge of will be abiding by my stipulation that YOU WOULD MIND YOUR
visit my web site at http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
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