-Caveat Lector-

This item was on Rense.   Did not realize horses are afflicted by an
AIDS type virus....and yet they use horse serums for estrogen, etc., and
what else?

And in France they are eating more and more horses...cannibals all.


Mysterious Baby Horse Deaths
Spreads Outside of Kentucky
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The mysterious affliction killing unborn and newborn
foals in Kentucky now appears to be spreading to other horse
populations, US scientists said.

Following the spate of as-yet unexplained deaths which rocked the tiny,
exclusive world of Kentucky's thoroughbred horse racing set, scientists
earlier this week said that they had seen unusual illnesses among
thorougbreds of all age and gender lines, and that the geographic reach
of the illness was now extending south and east.

Officials say it difficult to say with certainty how far the mysterious
ailment has spread beyond Kentucky, while anedoctal information has
placed some foal deaths in Tennessee and Ohio.

The problem has also been reported to a lesser degree in the more
northerly states of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Indiana, and it
ultimately will effect horse sales and eventually racing.

A panel of experts and researchers presented what they had found out so
far about the phenomenon, which was first detected in late April. Since
then more that 1,060 foals have succumbed to the disease.

"Everybody is hoping that the mares now being bred and those in foal for
only a short time are going to escape this," said Jim Squires, a breeder
at a small farm near Versailles, Kentucky.

"It's going to be a while before there is any definitive indication.
Until we get 120 days into the breeding cycle, maybe even 200 days,
we're not going to know. You have the possibility that nobody is going
to have any foals. This could be a devastating thing over the short

Veterinarians in the southeastern state began noticing an unusually high
number of stillborn foals and pregnant mares carrying dead fetuses in
late April.

Between April 28 and May 10, 382 stillborn foals and aborted fetuses
were delivered to University of Kentucky's Department of Veterinary
Science for testing.

That represents nearly a 700 percent increase over the same period last
year, when 46 stillborns were handed over for study, the school said.

Researchers and breeders groups were rushing to determine the extent of
the problem and its cause, said University of Kentucky spokesman Mark

Of 159 Kentucky thoroughbred farms whose managers have responded thus
far to a university survey, 17 had lost more than half the foals they
were expecting.

About 18,000 foals are born in Kentucky in a normal year, Eclov said.

The outbreak will cost Kentucky's 3.4 billion dollar horse industry 37
million dollars this year and 150 million next year, said David Switzer,
head of the Kentucky Thoroughbred Association.

Losses will be greater next year because the outbreak hit at the end of
this year's January to May foaling season, but many mares bred for next
year have already lost their fetuses and may not be able to be
re-impregnated after aborting, Switzer said.

One measure of the economic impact of the foal loss is the cost of
hiring a stallion to sire a foal.

The prime suspect is mold present in the grass due to dramatic and
unseasonal weather shifts in April, which has been exceedingly dry, warm
conditions followed by snow and frost.


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