-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/15/01 11:31:45 AM Mountain Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Isn't that the general idea?  The Republicans have been trashing
California for the last six or seven years.  They hate California being so
heavily Democrat, and they are making sure to punish the state as much as
they possibly can.  That's just the kind of vindictive measures that
repressive political groups use.  You'll notice that the good old boys in
Texas are making a packet.  Prudy >>

Seems to me this just may be a very good example of Democratic control over
the government.  Because the Democrats were so involved with supposed social
problems of the minorities they were too busy to build more electric
generating plants ... probably figuring that the rest of the country would
bail them out if conditions became undesirable.

 I lived in Santa Clara for four months last year and I know from personal
experience that they definitely collect enough taxes to keep the
infrastructure in good shape (high sales tax and high State income tax).  Now
we can see if the Democrats can dig themselves out of the hole they've dug on
their own, or if they will have to force the rest of the country to fill the
gap with their dollars instead of California standing on it's own two feet.
You would think they would be more forward looking and would have had
zipperboy bail them out before he left office.  You would also think they
would take advantage of the very low interest rates and start building what
they need right now instead of just taking about how to handle their
manufactured crisis.

Bob Stokes

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